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Page Speed & Core Web Vital

NotePlease note that there are various factors that may affect your site performance (not in theme support scope to handle), those may include:

  • The elements arrangement & custom element Medium
  • Images size & resolution Medium
  • Third parties elements, plugins, & scripts High
  • Server response time High

In this article, we will explain to you how to set up page speed and Core Web Vital optimization on your website with Yo!Web. By properly configuring your website, your website can achieve optimal page speed results and meet the criteria for Web Vital.

  1. Let’s Prepare
  2. Setup Yo!Web Core Web Vital
  3. Setup Yo!Web Page Speed
  4. Setup Google Analytics
  5. Enable Compression
  6. Optimize Images
  7. Leverage Browser Caching
  8. Use a Content Delivery Network ( CDN )

1. Let’s Prepare

  • Please make sure you have already using the latest version of Yo!Web theme V9 or higher and keep all Yo!Web plugins up to date.
  • We recommend you only activate the plugin that you really need. Less number of plugins will decrease the resource that needs to load and decrease the functionality that needs to be executed. This thing will improve your site performance.
  • We suggest you do page speed optimization after you finish setting up your website. So you won’t need to refresh the cache every time you made any change on your site


2. Setup Yo!Web Core Web Vital

The Largest Contentful Paint ( LCP ) is responsible for the majority of the issues in Yo!Web for Core Web Vital. To optimize the LCP, we’ve added a new option to the Yo!Web element that allows you to do so.


  1. Optimizing Largest Contentful Paint on a single post.
    Please go to Customizer → Yo!Web: Single Post Option → Single Post Option → Single Thumbnail Setting → Force Normal Load. This optimization may have no effect on custom featured images.
    Optimizing Largest Contentful Paint on a single post.
  2. Optimizing Largest Contentful Paint on a single page or landing page ( Only for Yo!Web elements ).
    It will take some effort to complete at this point. Please check your site on PageSpeed Insights and look for the Diagnostics → Largest Contentful Paint element to see which elements are causing Largest Contentful Paint. Now that you’ve identified the elements, use the page builder to edit your page and navigate to the element settings, where you can check the Use Normal Image Load option if it exists.
    Optimizing Largest Contentful Paint on a single page or landing page on pagespeed insight( Only for JNews elements ).Optimizing Largest Contentful Paint on a single page or landing page on edit element ( Only for JNews elements ).

3. Setup Yo!Web Page Speed

To begin, please install and activate Autoptimize and WP Super Cache plugins. To avoid conflicts, make sure there are no minify or other caches plugins installed. On Yo!Web V6.5 we provide some speed options on the Customizer and we have improved the options on V9. Many PageSpeed Insight points, such as Speed Index and Total Blocking Time, can be optimized here.


You can use another Minify or caches plugin but you still need the Autoptimize plugin to use the Optimized Script Loader feature and make some adjustments.

However, before we get to the settings, there’s one thing you should knowWhen you combine multiple plugins beyond our recommendations, there is always the possibility of minor issues. For example, after enabling the feature, your website may appear a little wonky.

  1. Disable all options related to JavaScript Optimization on other minify and caches plugins and Make sure other minify and cache plugins are not optimizing JavaScript
  2. Follow the following step below except :
    • Autoptimize CSS option section
    • Autoptimize HTML option section
    • WP Super Cache Section
    1. Optimizing Total Blocking Time
      Please go to WordPress Admin Dashboard → Appearance → Customizer → Yo!Web Additional Option → Speed Optimization.
      • Turn Optimize Assets option on.
      • Turn Base64 Image option on.
      • Turn Ajax Mega Menu option on.
      • Turn Disable Image Srcset option on.
      • Turn Enable Optimized Script Loader option on( Lazyload Script )
      • Turn Enable Async Javascript option on.
      • Select defer on Async Javascript Method
      • Set the other options to off.

      Optimizing Total Blocking Time

    2. Optimizing Speed Index
      Please go to WordPress Admin Dashboard → Settings → Autoptimize → JS, CSS & HTML.
      On JavaScript option section:
      • Turn Optimize JavaScript Code? option on.
      • Turn Aggregate JS-files? option on.
      • Please enter “wp-includes/js/dist/, wp-includes/js/tinymce/” in Exclude scripts from Autoptimize Remember to make a backup before making changes, as this option can cause errors if third-party plugins or scripts and configurations are incorrect.* Note: If you encounter JS issue that related to undefined jQuery error, please try to insert “wp-includes/js/dist/, wp-includes/js/tinymce/, js/jquery/jquery.js, js/jquery/jquery.min.js
      • Other options should be left as default

      On JavaScript option section
      On CSS option section:

      • Turn Optimize CSS Code? option on.
      • Turn Aggregate CSS-files? option on.
      • Other options should be left as default

      CSS option section
      On HTML option section:

      • Turn Optimize HTML Code? option on.
      • Other options should be left as default

      HTML option section
      On Misc option section:

      • Turn Save aggregated script/css as static files? option on.
      • Turn Minify excluded CSS and JS files? option on.
      • Turn Enable 404 fallbacks? option on.
      • Other options should be left as default

      Misc option section

    3. Optimizing Third-Party Scripts
      Please go to WordPress Admin Dashboard → Settings → Autoptimize → Extra.
      • Select Combine and link deferred in head on Google Fonts
      • Turn Remove emojis option on.
      • Set the other options to off.

      Optimizing Third-Party Scripts

    1. Optimizing Server Request
      Please go to WordPress Admin Dashboard → Settings → WP Super Cache → Easy.
      • Turn Caching option on.

      Optimizing Server Request Easy
      Then, please go to WordPress Admin Dashboard → Settings → WP Super Cache → Advanced.

      • Turn Compress pages option on.
      • Turn Cache rebuild option on.
      • Turn Enable dynamic caching option on.

      Optimizing Server Request


4. Setup Google Analytics

If you’re using Google Analytics on your website, we already provide an option to handle this thing. In this case, you don’t need to use an additional plugin to set up Google Analytics.

For setup, please go to WP Admin Dashboard → Appearance → Customizer → Yo!Web Additional Option → Analytics / Tracking → then insert your Google Analytics code and enable Load Analytics Locally for better page speed result.


5. Enable Compression

Implementing the enable compression suggestion can be done simply in your server’s settings. If you are not very technical, you can ask your technical support team to enable GZIP compression for your server.

On the Apache server, you can add code below to tell your server to enable GZIP compression when returning a response to the browser.

					<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
  # Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/vnd.ms-fontobject
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-opentype
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-otf
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-truetype
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/x-icon
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml

  # Remove browser bugs (only needed for really old browsers)
  BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
  BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
  BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
  Header append Vary User-Agent

6. Optimize Images

Our themes try to optimize the image by making every image on the container as fit as possible.

But all images still need to be optimized. You can install a plugin such as wp-smushit to optimize the image.

or if you have access on your server, you can use this command (Imagick need to be installed) :

					find /var/www/jooj.us/wp-content/uploads -name "*.jpg" -exec convert {} -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB {} \;
find /var/www/jooj.us/wp-content/uploads -name "*.png" -exec convert {} -strip {} \;				

If you are not very technical, you can ask your technical support team to set up it on your server.


7. Leverage Browser Caching

When a web browser displays your webpage it has to load several things like your logo, your CSS files, JS files, and other resources.

What browser caching does is “remember” the resources that the browser has already loaded. When a visitor goes to another page on your website your logo, CSS files, etc. do not need to be loaded again, because the browser has them “remembered” (saved). This is the reason that the first view of a web page takes longer than repeat visits.

The code below tells browsers what to cache and how long to “remember” it. It should be added to the top of your htaccess file

					# 1 YEAR
ExpiresActive On
<FilesMatch "\.(otf|ico|pdf|flv|ttf|eot|svg|woff|mp3|ogg|mp4|webm|ogv)$">
  Header set Cache-Control "max-age=29030400, public"
  ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 years"
  Header unset Last-Modified
  Header unset ETag
  SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|swf)$">
  Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2419200, public"
  ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
  SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

<FilesMatch "\.(xml|txt|css|js)$">
  Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public"
  ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 week"
  SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

# 30 MIN
<FilesMatch "\.(html|htm|php)$">
  SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

Again, if you are not very technical, you can ask your technical support team to set up it on your server.


8. Use a Content Delivery Network ( CDN )

Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) can help to reduce load times for all of your visitors.


A CDN is a global network of servers. Each server will keep “static” files that make up your website. These static files include non-changing files such as images, CSS, and JavaScript. Unlike your WordPress pages, which are “dynamic”. When you use a CDN, users are served static files from the server that is closest to them each time they visit your website. Because the CDN is handling a lot of the work, your own web hosting server will be faster as well.

We recommend using the Cloudflare CDN. We have used the Cloudflare CDN on all of our websites. It works well with WordPress websites and complements your existing caching plugins for faster load times.

Import & Export Slider

There are few things that we will explain to you on this section :

  1. Import Slider
  2. Export Slider


1. Import Slider

The Revolution Slider allows you to easily import a slider into your site. You can use our slider demo as example to know how we made it.



You can follow the instructions below about importing a slider :

  1. Go the the Revolution Slider tab in your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Then click Import Slider.

  3. Choose the .zip file of the slider you’d like to import.
  4. Once you’ve chosen the .zip file, an Import Slider button will appear.
  5. Click the Import Slider button, and wait for it to finish uploading.


2. Export Slider

Also, the Revolution Slider allows you to easily export all of your sliders. As you know making animated slides takes a lot of time, make sure you export the data so you don’t ever lose the time you’ve spent on them.

You can follow the instructions below to export your slider :

  1. Go the the Revolution Slider tab in your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate the slider you’d like to export and click the down arrow button (V).

  3. Then click Export and we’re done.


Missing Share Counter for Twitter

As the website newsharecounts.com is not working (Error 502). Now our plugin supports a new service Twitcount.com to show Twitter shares.

To continue showing the Twitter shares, You can follow the instructions below :

  1. Please go to Twitcount.com and click “Give me my Twitter counts back“.
    Twitter Share Counts Alternative
  2. Register your website with them
    Register Your Website

Your website will start counting again and No need to copy-paste any code from their website.

Steps To Create Google Client ID

If you use Yo!Web-Social Login plugin for Social Login, please follow the steps below to enable Google Login on your WordPress website.

  1. Navigate to the Google API Console section and login to your Google Account if needed.
  2. If this is your first app, you will need to “create a project” and may also need to accept Terms and Conditions. If you do not see this page, continue to step 3.

  3. if you have created apps before, here you will be able to see the project list. You can also create a new project by pressing “CREATE PROJECT” at the top. Click on the three dot of your project title you want to create an app for.
  4. Navigate to APIs and Services > Credentials section from the menu in the top-left corner
    If you do not find the menu above, you can use this URL to open the menu
  5. Navigate to OAuth consent screen section
  6. Complete the fields as described below


    • Application Name: Specify the name of your app (you can enter whatever name you want, but it is recommended that you enter your website or company name in this field).
    • Application Logo: Upload the logo of your website that you will integrate social login.
    • Support Email: Select/Specify the email
    • Scopes for Google APIs: Three fields should already be added – email, profile, and OpenID. If these are not there, add these.
    • Authorized Domains: Specify your website domain. For example, if your website homepage URL is www.website.com or website.com, you must save website.com. Click outside of the textbox after entering the domain name, otherwise, it will not be saved. You can fill other optional fields.
    • Click the Save button.
  7. Click OAuth client ID after clicking Create credentials button in the Credentials section
  8. Complete the fields as described below


    1. Application Type: Select Web application
    2. Name: Specify the name of your app (you can enter whatever name you want, but it is recommended that you enter your website or company name in this field).
    3. Authorized JavaScript origins: Leave empty
    4. Authorized redirect URIs: Open your website and go to Customizer > Yo!Web : Social, Like & View > Social Login Setting  , in there you will see Social Login Info section that will show the Callback URL. Copy and paste in this option. After entering the URL. Click outside of the textbox after entering the domain name, otherwise, it will not be saved.
    5. Click Create button
  9. Copy Client ID  and Client Secret and paste these in the Google Client ID and Google Client Secret options on the customizer, respectively. Do not forget to Save Changes after configuring all the setting.

Missing Stylesheet

A common issue that can occur when installing a WordPress themes is The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. error message being displayed when uploading or activating the theme.

In this case, the reasons you may receive this error is if you have uploaded the incorrect file. You have 2 options for downloading your theme.

  1. Installable WordPress file only, then you just need to upload it (don’t need to unzip at first).
  2. All files and documentation (full zip folder). You will need to extract and locate the installable WordPress file.
Further Reading

Please take a look at this article for more complete information.
