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TikTok Feed

TikTok is a social networking application that is specially designed for sharing creative videos easily and directly from your smartphone. Like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,  TikTok provide a user profile and a news feed feature on their apps.

Now with Yo!Web, you can even show your latest TikTok feed on Post, Page, Widget, and Header in your website. In this part, we will guide you how to show your Instagram feed on the website’s with Yo!Web TikTok Feed.

Yo!Web TikTok Plugin

To enable TikTok Feed on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – TikTok Feed plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

TikTok Feed Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup the plugin settings to fit with your website need. On this part we will guide you how to setup TikTok feed with Yo!Web.

For Footer Tiktok Feed, you can access it by going to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Social, Like & View → TikTok Feed Setting. Meanwhile for TikTok widgets, you can add it to the WordPress widget area. You can also add TikTok widget using elements in WPBakery and Elementor.

  1. Enable TikTok Feed
    For the Footer Feed, you can show or hide it using this option.
  2. Feed Type
    Choose feed type that you want to show. You can show the feed using username or hastag.
  3. TikTok Username
    Tiktok username whose feed you want to display.
  4. TikTok Hastag
    Tiktok hastag whose feed you want to display.
  5. Number Of Rows
    Setup the number of feed rows that you want to show for Tiktok feed.
  6. Number Of Columns
    Setup the number of feed columns that you want to show for TikTok feed.
  7. Sort Feed Type
    On this option you can choose sorting type of your TikTok feed.
  8. Hover Style
    On this option you can choose hover style of footer TikTok feed.
  9. View Button Text
    On this option you can insert text for TikTok view feed button. Leave blank if you don’t want to show it.
  10. Layout Type
    On this option you can choose layout style of footer TikTok feed.
  11. Cover Type
    On this option you can choose cover style of footer TikTok feed.
  12. Open New Tab
    Enable this option if you want to open link in new tab when TikTok view button or TikTok feed hitted.


Footer TikTok Feed will only compatible with Footer Style 5 and Footer Style 6


When we find a good article, we sometimes want to bookmark or save the article so that we can access the article again whenever we want. This feature can help you make it happen to save an article in your account. This documentation will discuss how we can use the Yo!Web – Bookmark plugin, below is a list that we will discuss.

  1. Install and activate the Yo!Web – Bookmark plugin
  2. Enabling Bookmark Button
  3. Overriding the Bookmark Button
  4. View Bookmark Post


Install and activate the Yo!Web – Bookmark plugin

How to install and activate the Yo!Web – Bookmark plugin just like installing other Yo!Web plugins, you can go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin and find the Yo!Web – Bookmark plugin to install and activate it.


Enabling Bookmark Button

After activating the Yo!Web – Bookmark plugin, you can display the Bookmark button in Single Post by going to Appearance → Customize → Yo!Web : Single Post Option → Bookmark Option.


Overriding the Bookmark Button

You can also override the specific Bookmark button configuration in Single Post. You can find the Yo!Web: Override Bookmark Button section to configure the override settings which later this configuration will not follow the global configuration we have done before this method.


View Bookmark Post

After that, how do we now see the posts we bookmarked? You can see it on the Account Page, later a new menu will appear on the left called My Bookmark. It is in this menu that you can see all the posts you have bookmarked. You can also remove bookmarks in this menu.

Post Paywall

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation & Requirements
  3. Post Paywall Settings
  4. WooCommerce Settings
  5. Post Paywall Status


1. Introduction

Post Paywall is a premium feature from Yo!Web used for creating subscription or payment based content for your website. Your reader needs to buy a subscription or unlock package in order to read your post content.
Integrated with the popular plugin WooCommerce, will give you an easy way to setup products, managing orders, and payment.


2. Installation & Requirements

To enable Post Paywall on your website, you need to have the following plugins installed and active :

2.1. Yo!Web Paywall, you can easily install and activate this plugin from Yo!Web Dashboard → Install Plugin.

2.3. WPBakery or Elementor, you need this plugin to be able to add the Post Paywall element to your page. Choose one that is used on your website.

2.3. WooCommerce, you need to install this plugin in order to create a subscription or unlock product for Post Paywall. You can install this plugin through your WordPress Dashboard or Yo!Web Plugin Dashboard.


3. Post Paywall Settings

3.1. Restricting Post Content Globally.
This will truncate all your post content for non-premium users.

You can access this option in Dashboard → Yo!Web Paywall → Customizer Setting
or you can access directly from Customizer → Yo!Web : Paywall Option → General Setting

Note : This option will override the option in point no 3.2.


3.2. Restricting Post Content only for some Posts.
This option will only truncate the post you choose.

You can access this option when you are editing the post, you will find the Yo!Web : Paywall Single Post meta box right under the post editor.

Note : You need to disable the option in point no 3.1 to use this option, otherwise this option will be overridden.

3.3. Set Article Button.
This option will set the buttons in your truncated articles. It will redirect your user to the destination page you choose.

You can access this option in Dashboard → Yo!Web Paywall → Customizer Setting
or you can access directly from Customizer → Yo!Web : Paywall Option → General Setting

Preview :


4. WooCommerce Settings

You need to setup your the WooComerce Setting at first, after that, you can do the following settings :

4.1. Creating Products
To create Post Paywall products is the same way as you create other WooComerce products.

You need to go to Dashboard → Product → Add New
Then in the Product Data, you can choose these product types  :

4.1.1. Yo!Web Post Subscribe product :

  • You need to set the product Regular Price and Billing Time

4.1.2. Yo!Web Post Unlock product :

  • You need to set the product Regular Price and Number of Post Unlock

4.2. Showing the Products
After you create products, you can add it to a page so your user can access it.

To do this, go to a page you want to add Post Paywall products.
Then edit the page using page builder WPBakery or Elementor, and add the element called Yo!Web – Post Paywall.
Select the products you want to show on the page.

Example (in WPBakery) : 

After that, you can set the page as a destination target as mentioned in point 3.3.


4.3. Payment Settings 
This setting is required if you use the Yo!Web product type, so your user can pay using Paypal and/or Credit Card via Stripe and create a billing agreement.

You need to create a Paypal app & credentials here.

After you create Paypal app & credentials, please go to Paypal Subscription payment settings in WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Paypal Subscription


You need a PayPal Business account to use PayPal Subscriptions. Also, you need to setup PayPal IPN, you can setup Paypal IPN on Paypal Dashboard → Account Settings → Notification → Instant Payment Notifications or you can click here.

You must add the following webhook endpoint https://example.com/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Paypal to your Notification URL. Change example.com with your domain

  1. Sandbox Mode
    Turn on this option if you using Sandbox APP credentials.
  2. PayPal APP Client ID
    Insert your PayPal app Client ID.
  3. PayPal APP Client Secret
    Insert Your PayPal app Client Secret.
  4. Receiver email
    Insert your main receiver email for your PayPal account here. This is used to validate IPN requests.
  5. Payment Timezone
    Choose your PayPal account Time zone. You can check it on ( PayPal > Account Settings > Account preferences > Time zone) or you can click here


You need to create Stripe account & credentials here .


You must add the following webhook endpoint https://example.com/?jeg-paywall=stripe_webhook to your Stripe account settings. Change example.com with your domain

Please go to Stripe payment settings in WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Stripe to add your credentials

  1. Enable Test Mode
    Turn on this option if you using Test Mode.
  2. Test Publishable Key
    Insert your Test Publishable Key if you use Test Mode.
  3. Test Secret Key
    Insert your Test Secret Key if you use Test Mode.
  4. Live Publishable Key
    Insert your Live Publishable Key if you use Live Mode.
  5. Live Secret Key
    Insert your Live Secret Key if you use Live Mode.
  6. Webhook Key
    Insert your Webhook Secret Key. Add the webhook endpoint to your Stripe account settings. Make sure you input customer.subscription.createdcustomer.subscription.deleted, and customer.subscription.updated, payment_intent.payment_failed, payment_intent.succeeded, charge.refunded events. Then put the Signing secret to Webhook Key option.
  7. Statement Descriptor
    Insert your Statement Descriptor.

After you set the credentials, you can activate Stripe.


Stripe requires a minimum of $0.5 and a maximum of $999,999.99 for each transaction. You can’t charge your customer if the amount of transactions are out of range.


5. Post Paywall Status

5.1. (ADMIN) All Users Status
This is the page where the administrator of the website could look at the status of their user.
No one can access this page except the administrator.
You could access this page in Dashboard → Yo!Web Paywall → Users Status

5.2. (USER) Premium Status
This is the page for your user to see their premium status, either subscription status or unlocks status.
Your user can access this page from the backend or frontend.
In the frontend, they can access through My Account page
In the backend, they can access Dashboard → Premium Status


6. Stripe Manage Cards

When using Stripe, your user will be able to save their card to use it in the next purchase. Your user can access Woocommerce Account → Paywall Payment Methods to manage their cards.

Frontend Submit

The forms give users the ability to create new posts from the site frontend so that the user does not need to enter the backend admin panel to do action.

In this part, we will briefly guide you how to use Frontend Submit feature with Yo!Web easily.

Yo!Web Frontend Submit Plugin

To enable the Frontend Submit feature on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Frontend Submit plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Create a New Post in Frontend

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can create a new post in the frontend. You can follow the instructions below :

  1. Go to https://yourdomain.com/account/edit-account/ then find Submit Post button.
  2. After that, you will see this Editor Page. In this page, you can make a new post by clicking the Submit Post button after filling the form.
  3. After submitting a new post, the post will reviewed by your website administrator.


My Post

Right after you’ve done with creating a new post in the frontend you can see your post in https://yourdomain.com/account/my-post/


Edit a Post in Frontend

If you want to edit your post you can follow the instructions below :

  1. Go to https://yourdomain.com/account/my-post/ then find your Post that you want to edit.
  2. Hover the Post then click Edit Post.
  3. After editing your post click the Update Post button.



Paid Frontend Post Submission

If you want to make user paid when creating a post, you can follow the instructions below :

  1. You need to install and activated Yo!Web Frontend Submit plugin and WooCommerce plugin.
  2. Enable WooCommerce Mode on the Customize > Yo!Web Frontend Submit > Frontend Submit Setting > Advance Option.
  3. After Enabling WooCommerce Mode, you need to add a new product.
  4. In Product Data option you need to choose Post Package option to make the Post package bundle.
    • Post Package –  On Product data, you need to choose Post Package to use Paid Frontend Post Submission.
    • Regular Price –  The Price without any discount.
    • Sale Price –  The price that has a discount.
    • Post Limit –  Limit the maximum post the user can create.
  5. After that click Publish button.

Subscribe to Download

With Yo!Web, easy to capture subscribers right from your WordPress site by simply providing them a freebie to download through email after a successful subscription.

Yo!Web Subscribe to Download Plugin

To enable subscribers to download feature on your website, you need to install Yo!Web – Subscribe to Download plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from the Plugin Dashboard by going to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Please make sure SMTP on your website is properly configured.


Setup Downloadable File

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, the plugin will create a new custom post type called Download Files. Next, you can set up your file to fit your website’s needs. You can access Download Files in the WordPress Dashboard → Download Files

On Download Files, you can create an item that will use on your subscribe form. There are several sections option that you will find :

File Segment

  1. File URL
    Use this field to set a link to download file


  1. Send As
    You can select the content type that will be used for the email content
  2. Subject
    Use this field to set the email subject
  3. Message
    Use this field to set the email content ( HTML or plain text allowed ), here is the following shortcode :


    • {{file_url}}
      The shortcode will attach your file URL
    • {{image_url}}
      The shortcode will attach your file image ( Featured Image ) URL
    • {{date}}
      The shortcode will attach the current date when sending the email
    • {{sitename}}
      The shortcode will attach your website name
    • {{siteurl}}
      The shortcode will attach your website URL
    • {{logo_url}}
      The shortcode will attach your logo image URL from header logo
  4. From Email
    You can use this field to set the sender address
  5. From Name
    You can use this field to set the sender name
  6. Reply-To
    You can use this field to set Reply-To address


  1. API Key
    Use this field to set the API Key for the current form. Please click here to know about API Key.
  2. Audience ID
    Use this field to set the Audience ID. Please click here about how to know your Audience ID.


Setup Subscribe From

You can insert Subscribe to Download element into a single post or page using a Shortcode or an Element on the page builder. If you are using Page Builder, you can insert Subscribe to Download by selecting the element, then you can use Subscribe to Download element fully.

If you are using Page Builder, You can follow the instructions below:

  1. First, edit a certain page on your website where subscribe to downloads needs to be inserted.
  2. If you have selected a page, then find the Subscribe to Download element on the Yo!Web – Element section and place to the content section where you want to place the Subscribe to Download element.


  3. After the panel option appears, you will find the following options list below :


    Setting Section

    1. Download Type
      Choose which download type you want to use.
    2. Button Download Icon
      Choose which icon you want to use on the button.
    3. Button Download Text
      Input text you want to use as a download button text.
    4. Select File
      Select your download file.
    5. Actions After Submit
      Add actions that will be performed after a visitor submits the form (e.g. send an email notification). Choosing an action will add the chosen file setting.


    Form Setting Section

    1. Heading Type
      Choose which heading type you want to use.
    2. Heading Text
      Input text you want to use as heading text.
    3. Description Text
      Input text you want to use as a description.
    4. Button Icon
      Choose which icon you want to use on the button.
    5. Button Text
      Input text you want to use as button text.
    6. Enable Agreement
      Enable this option to showing up the Agreement checkbox
    7. Agree on Terms
      Use this field to set the Agree Terms text
    8. Agree on Subscription
      Use this field to set the Agree Subscription Text

You can also use the shortcode generator to insert the element to post or page. You can follow the instructions below:

  1. First, edit a certain page on your website where subscribe to downloads needs to be inserted.
  2. If you have selected a post or page, then put the cursor on the post content section where you want to place the Subscribe to Download element and click Shortcode generator.

  3. After the panel option appears, you can set up your Subscribe to Download element

The following attached image is Subscribe to Download element preview on a website.

  • Download Type From Subscribe
  • Download Type Button Download

Google AMP

In October of 2015, the AMP Project initiative launched by Google. It is an open source project that will improve your website performance on mobile devices. AMP boasts its own lightweight framework (AMP HTML)  and was designed to build super light web pages, thus cutting down on loading times on mobile devices.

Also AMP aims to support a range of ad networks, formats and technologies. AMP will deliver ads that are fast whilst allowing the content to look good and grab the viewer’s attention. No need to worry, Yo!Web is fully supported AMP ads. For more complete information about setup AMP ads, please hit this link.


Google AMP Setting

To enable Google AMP on your website, you will need to install both of WordPress AMP and Yo!Web AMP plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by going to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, you need to configure the AMP plugin by going to WordPress Dashboard → AMP → General, set the Template Mode option to Reader.

After you’ve done with configure the AMP plugin, you can check your post on AMP version by adding /amp/ at the end of your post url. For example : http://yourdomain.com/your-article/amp/Please noteAMP page only enable for single post page.

Facebook Instance Article

Facebook Instant Article is a new mobile format developed by Facebook, which can be served to visitors accessing your content from the Facebook mobile app. with instant articles load up to 10 times faster than a normal web page. It’s incredible boost in speed provides a better user experience for mobile users.

Most of popular media sites like BuzzFeed, TechCrunch, Mashable, and countless others already using it on their websites.

There are a few things that you need to prepare before starting setting up Facebook Instant Article on your WordPress site.

  • Facebook Page for your website. You can register new Facebook Page here.
  • At least 10 or more post article on your website.
  • Install Article for WP plugin.


Instant Article for WP Plugin

You can easily install and activate Instant Article for WP plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Instant Article Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you will need to do some setup on the plugin dashboard. Please check the image below :

Next you’ll need to log in with your Facebook Fanspage account to get Facebook Page ID or click ‘these instructions’ link.

In this case you will need to configure Publishing Settings part and enable Custom transformer rules option to make Yo!Web works as expected with Facebook Instant Article. Then paste the following code below into input field.


Auto Load Post

Auto Load Post is a feature which automatically loads next post when the users are scrolling down to the bottom of an article. This feature will increase your website page views by engaging the site readers to keep them reading the blogs content rather than having to go back and choose another article to read.

This feature is very convenience to use and most of major news website like Time, NBCNews, LATimes and Medium already implement this feature.


Yo!Web Auto Load Post Plugin

To enable auto load post on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Auto Load Next Post plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Auto Load Post Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup the plugin settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access auto load post setting by simply hit the Option or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Single Post Option → Auto Load Scroll Option

  1. Single Blog Post Template
    On this option, you can choose single blog post template that you want to use.
  2. Single Blog Post Layout
    On this option, you can choose single blog post layout that you want to use.
  3. Show / Hide Comment
    On this option, you can choose show or hide the comment on the single post page.


Customize Detail Category

With Customize Detail Category feature, each category can be customized and can have unique design. You can choose different header hero type, content layout, and layout position (with left sidebar, right sidebar or using no sidebar). Not only that, you will be able to change color category that will be used on category badge.


Yo!Web Customize Detail Category Plugin

To enable this feature on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Customize Detail Category plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Customize Detail Category Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup the plugin settings to fit with your website need. You can access customize detail category setting by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Category Template and choose which category that you want to customize.

The following options list below will be activated when you enable Override Color option.

Category Color Setting :

  1. Category Background Color
    On this option you can choose background color for the category.
  2. Text Color
    On this option you can choose text color for the category.


The following options list below will be activated when you enable Override This Category Setting option.

Category Sidebar Setting :

  1. Show Sidebar
    Enable this option to show sidebar on the category page.
  2. Category Sidebar
    On this option you can choose sidebar for the category. If you need another sidebar you can create it from WordPress Admin → Appearance → Widgets


Category Header Setting :

  • Category Title Style
    On this option you can choose category title style that you want to use for the category.


Category Hero Setting :

  1. Show Category Hero Block
    Enable this option to show category hero block.
  2. Category Hero Header
    On this option you can choose category hero header layout.
  3. Category Header Style
    On this option you can choose category header style.
  4. Hero Margin
    On this option you can setup category hero margin.
  5. Choose date format
    On this option you can choose date format for category hero.


Category Content Setting :

  1. Category Content Layout
    On this option you can choose category content layout type for category content.
  2. Excerpt Length
    On this option you can setup excerpt length of category content.
  3. Choose Date Format for Content
    On this option you can choose date format for category content.
  4. Choose pagination mode
    On this option you can choose pagination mode for category content.
  5. Pagination Align
    On this option you can choose pagination align for category content.
  6. Show navigation text
    Enable this option if you want to show navigation text for category content.
  7. Show page info
    Enable this option if you want to show page info of category content.

Translation & Multilanguage

Yo!Web contains several texts (strings) that you may like to translate for your website’s need. We provide an easy method to manage your site’s frontend translation string.

Not only that, even if you want to create your site to support multi-language, you don’t need to worry. Yo!Web fully supports popular multilingual plugin like Polylang and WPML.

In this part, we will guide you how to setup and manage your site translation including multi-language. There are a few things that we’ll explain to you on this part :

  1. Frontend Translation
  2. Backend Translation
  3. Multi Language

1. Frontend Translation

To enable frontend translation on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Frontend Translation plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup the plugin settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access frontend translation setting by simply hit the Translate or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Translate Frontend

As you can see on the image above. You need to turn on Enable Translation option at first to activate frontend translation feature on your website. Then, you can begin doing translate Yo!Web by click Translation String tab. Don’t forget to hit Save Changes button right after you finish doing the translation.


2. Backend Translation

You may want to translate the whole string on Yo!Web (including backend). In this case you can use Loco Translate plugin to achieve that and it’s well tested with Yo!Web. You can easily to install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can go to WordPress Admin → Loco Translate→ Themes to setup and begin doing translation. Please check the following attached images :


Please note that you only able to translate backend string with Loco Translate. If try to doing translation for frontend string, it won’t work and you will need to use Yo!Web Frontent Translation instead.

3. Multi Language

For creating multi-language website, Yo!Web fully supports popular multilingual plugin like Polylang and WPML. In this part, we will guide you how to set it up through Polylang and WPML plugin.

Please note that you will required to install Yo!Web Frontend Translation plugin for frontend string translation. FYI, based on performance reason, we will recommend you to use Polylang instead of WPML plugin.

Multi Language – Polylang

You can easily to install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can go to WordPress Admin → Languages to add new language that you want to use on your website. Please check the following attached image below :

For more complete documentation about Polylang like translate post, page, menu, widget and etc you can check this out.

As we said previously, about frontend string translation you will need to install Yo!Web Frontend Translation plugin. You can do frontend string translation with the same method as before and just need a minor setup.

You can access frontend translation setting by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Translate Frontend and please check the following attached images below :

Multi Language – WPML

Since WPML is a premium plugin, you will need to buy this plugin here. After that you will need to install and activate this plugin. Please check this article for more complete information about uploading a plugin into WordPress.

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can go to WordPress Admin → WPML to add new language that you want to use on your website and do another related settings. Please check the following attached image :

For more detail documentation about using WPML plugin like translate post, page, menu, widget and etc you can check this out.

As we said previously, about frontend string translation you will need to install Yo!Web Frontend Translation plugin. You can do frontend string translation with the same way as before and just need to do minor setup.

You can access frontend translation setting by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Translate Frontend and please check the following attached images :

Rich Snippet (JSON-LD)

JSON LD is JavaScript notation separate from the body of the HTML itself that is included in a file and served from the web. It typically uses the schema.org vocabulary—an open community effort to promote standard structured data in a variety of online applications.

In another word, when information is highly structured and predictable, search engines can more easily organize and display it in creative ways. JSON LD Schema is highly recommended by Google and Yo!Web is fully compatible with it.


Yo!Web JSON LD Rich Snippet Plugin

To enable Rich Snippet (JSON-LD) on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – JSON LD Rich Snippet plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Rich Snippet (JSON-LD) Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup the plugin settings to fit with your website’s need. In this part we will guide you how to setup footer Instagram feed with Yo!Web.

You can access JSON LD option by simply hit the Option button on the Plugin Dashboard or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : JSON LD Schema Setting

On the Yo!Web : SEO Schema Setting panel you will find 3 tabs section and on each tab will have certain options that you will need to setup.

  1. Schema Setting
    On this panel you will find Enable JSON LD Schema option. Turn this option on to enable Yo!Web generate JSON LD Schema for your website.
  2. Home Page Schema
    We provide two type of Home Page Schema options which is Person and Organization. The following options list will appear if you choose Person on Home Page Schema :


    • Name
      Insert person name.
    • Address
      Insert country address.

    The following options list will appear if you choose Organization on Home Page Schema :

    • Organization Name
      Insert organization or company name.
    • Logo
      Upload organization or company logo.
    • Telepon
      Insert phone number. (ex : +1-880-555-1212)
    • Contact Type
      Choose organization or company contact type.
    • Area Served
      Insert area served information. (ex  : US , or US,CA)
  3. Post Schema
    On this panel you will find Blog Page Schema Type option. Choose schema type that you want to use for your blog post.

Like Post Button

Like the trend of social media now, Yo!Web has also been completed with like and dislike post feature. Your visitors just need to login on your site and they can give like or dislike on certain post. You don’t need to worry about user login and registration method, because we have provided built-in Social Login & Registration feature that makes user login and registration easier.

Not only that, your site’s users will also be able to see their liked or disliked post archive, and even this feature can be used as post bookmark for them. In this part we will guide you how to use like post button feature with Yo!Web.

Yo!Web Like Button Plugin

To enable like post button on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Like Button plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Like Post Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup the plugin settings to fit with your website’s need. In this part we will guide you how to setup like post button with Yo!Web.

You can access like post button option by simply hit the Option button on the Plugin Dashboard or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Social, Like & View → Like Button Setting

On the Like Button Setting panel you will find Show Like Button option. You can choose to show Like + Dislike buttons, show Like button only or Hide these buttons if you don’t want to use them at all.


Like Post Button Preview

The following attached images are like & dislike post button preview.

You can easily access liked post archive here http://yourdomain.com/post-liked/

You can easily access disliked post archive here http://yourdomain.com/post-disliked/


With Yo!Web you can create very compelling review website. From analyzing numbers of best features from famous review websites, we create a review system and integrate it into Yo!Web. With the latest trend design, our review layout design will make your website looks better than ever.

In this part, we will guide you how to use review feature with Yo!Web that only take a few minutes.

Yo!Web Review Plugin

To enable review on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Review plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


General Review Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup general review settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access general review setting by simply hit the Option or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Additional Setting → Review

  1. Text in Front of Price Text
    You can use this option as your currency text.
  2. Text Behind of Price Text
    On this option you will need to insert some text that will appear on the behind of price text.
  3. Price Float
    You can choose Show option if you want to show the price float box on post content.


Insert Review

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation and general option setup for the review, you can insert a review into post.

In this part we will guide you how to insert a review into post easily. You can follow the instructions below:

  1. First, edit certain post on your website that you want a review to be inserted.
  2. If you have selected a post, then at the bottom section you will notice the Yo!Web : Review Setting metabox.

    As you can see the image on above, there are several options available on Review Setting tab.


    • Enable Review
      Turn on this option if you want to enable review for the post.
    • Review Type
      On this option you can choose the type of review that you want to use.
    • Review Product Name
      Insert your product name.
    • Review Summary
      Insert your review summary about the product.
  3. After have done with Review Setting setup, next you can click Review Pros and Cons tab. On this part you can insert the pros and cons of your product.
    You can easily add or remove the good things and bad things of the product here. Also, you can rearrange the sequence as you like by dragging and dropping the item.
  4. If you think the Review Pros and Cons setup has met your desire, next you can click Review Rating tab. On this part you can insert the rating value/score of the product.
    Insert the rating value into Rating Number field and the rating label into Rating Text field. For example: Design 9, User Interface 7, User Experience 7, Performance 8 and so on.
    You can also add more rating items or remove certain rating item from the item list and simply rearrange rating items sequence as you want through drag and drop.
  5. When you finish Review Rating setup, the last step to complete your review is to click on the Product Price tab.
    On this part you can insert price list of the product for certain seller. You will notice there are three fields available, they are:


    1. Where to Buy
      On this field you can insert the name of product seller such as AmazonEbay and etc.
    2. Price
      On this field you can insert the price of product.
    3. Shop Link
      On this field you can insert the link of product or you can use your referral link.

    You can also add more items or remove certain item from the item list and simply rearrange rating items sequence as you want through drag and drop.


Review Preview

The following attached images are the examples of Review made on a website using Yo!Web.

Food Recipe

You may have a Master Chef skill and can create various delicious dishes that only your family can enjoy them. Why don’t just show your skills around the web and get fame by your hobby? All you need is a food blogging site. However having the cooking skill is not all you’ll need. Your viewers don’t always want to only see your well-done cookings, but they also want to know how you made it, and more importantly, how they can make it too.

In this case, creating a food recipe is the best way you can serve those dishes up to your audiences. With Yo!Web, feel no worry, because we have provided powerful feature to insert food recipe into your post.

In this part, we will guide you how to use food recipe feature with Yo!Web that only take a few minute.


Yo!Web Food Recipe Plugin

To enable food recipe feature on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Food Recipe plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Insert Food Recipe

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, you can insert food recipe into your post. You can follow the instructions below:

  1. First, edit certain post on your website that you want to insert the food recipe in.
  2. If you have selected a post, then at the bottom section you will notice Yo!Web : Food Recipe Setting metabox.

    As you can see on the image above, you will notice there are several options for Food Recipe Setting tab.


    • Enable Food Recipe
      Turn on this option if you want to enable food recipe for the post.
    • Food Recipe Title
      Insert the title of food recipe.
    • Serving Size
      Insert serving size of food recipe. (ex: 10 people)
    • Cooking Time
      Insert cooking time of food recipe. (ex: 2 hours)
    • Cooking Level
      Determine cooking level of food recipe. (ex: beginner)
    • Enable Print Recipe
      Turn on this option if you want to enable the feature to print out the food recipe.
  3. After have done with Food Recipe Setting setup, next you can click Food Recipe Ingredients tab. On this part you can insert ingredients of the food recipe.
    You can simply add ingredient item and remove certain item (ex: 3/4 cup sugar). You can also rearrange the ingredient item sequence as you like by dragging and dropping the item.
  4. After have done with Food Recipe Ingredients setup, next you can click Food Recipe Instructions tab. In this part you can insert all of instructions for the food recipe.


Food Recipe Preview

The following attached images are the food recipe preview and the print food recipe preview.

Social Share & Counter

With Yo!Web, anyone will be able to share their website content. We provide 12 social share buttons that are ready to use. You can also show the total number of shares and views for each post. In this part, we will guide you on how to use Social Share & Counter feature with Yo!Web that only takes a few minutes.


Yo!Web Social Share & Counter

To enable social share & counter on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Social Share & Counter plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Setup Social Share & Counter

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can doing setup social share & counter settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access social share & counter setting by simply hit the Option or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Social, Like & View → Social Bar, Like & View

View Option

  • View Counter Script
    Choose view counter script that you want to use. Please be aware with option that you chosen, value of each counter script may be different.
    Please note, you will need to install one of these plugins Yo!Web – View Counter or Jetpack based on your own preference. Installing both may result in malfunction of the plugins.

Share Bar Social Icon

  1. Main Share Network
    Choose which social network that you want to use as the main share network for your website. Main share network will always be shown on your share post container. Fill share text if you need your share button to have share text on it, but leave it empty to make it looks like the default button.
  2. Secondary Share Network
    Choose which social network that you want to use as the main share network for your website. Please note that secondary share network will not be shown until user clicks share button on the share container.

Share Bar Setting Detail

  1. Social Share Threshold
    Set the number of social share threshold. The total number of social share will be shown if it reaches more than this threshold.
  2. Twitter Share
    Insert default Twitter account as share reference for Twitter sharing a.k.a “… via @username”.
  3. Facebook App ID
    Insert your Facebook app ID. Get the Facebook app ID on this page and create the new app.
  4. Facebook App Secret
    Insert your Facebook app secret. Get the Facebook app secret on this page after creating a new app.
  5. Facebook Access Token
    Insert your Facebook access token. Get the Facebook access token on this page then go to Graph API Explorer and generate the token

Initial Counter

  1. Initial View Count
    Insert a number to this value to set an initial starting point for the view counter. This value will also affect social share value (if you choose to use social share option above).
  2. Social Share Value base on View
    Set value of social share percentage. Your social share value will be increased based on percentage of your post view counter.
  3. Like Percentage base on View
    Set value of like percentage. Your like value will be increased based on percentage of your post view counter.



Social Login & Registration

With Yo!Web, your site’s visitors will be able to Login & Register conveniently. We integrate Facebook, Google, and Linked In into our social login & register system.

After user login, they will be able to see recent post list they like. For more detail about liked post archive, you can follow this page.

In this part, we will guide you how to use Social Login & Registration feature with Yo!Web that only take a few minute.


Yo!Web Social Login & Registration Plugin

To enable social login & registration on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Social Login & Registration plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Setup Social Login & Registration

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can doing setup social login & registration settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access social login & registration setting by simply hit the Option or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Social, Like & View → Social Login Setting

  1. Show Social Login
    On this option you can choose the location to display the social login and registration.
  2. User Role
    On this option you can choose default role for new user.
  3. Social Login Style
    On this option you can choose the style of social login button.
  4. Facebook Integration Facebook Turn on this option if you want to enable Facebook login and registration.
  5. Facebook App ID Facebook Insert your Facebook app id into this field. You can get Facebook app id here.
  6. Facebook App Secret Facebook Insert your Facebook app secret into this field. You can get Facebook app secret here.
  7. Google Integration Google Turn on this option if you want to enable Google login and registration.
  8. Google App Name Google Insert your Google app name into this field. You can get your Google app name here.
  9. Google Client ID Google Insert your Google client id into this field. You can get Google client id here.
  10. Google Client Secret Google Insert your Google client secret into this field. You get Google client secret here.
  11. Linked In Integration Linked In Turn on this option if you want to enable Linked In login and registration.
  12. Linked In Client ID Linked In Insert your Linked In client id into this field. You can get your Linked In client id here.
  13. Linked In Client Secret Linked In Insert your Linked In client secret into this field. You can get your Linked In client secret here.

You will be asked to enter callback url when you configure social apps. Please use the following url for this need:

  1. Facebook : http://yourdomain.com/?social-callback=facebook
  2. Google : http://yourdomain.com/?social-callback=google
  3. Linked In : http://yourdomain.com/?social-callback=linkedin


Social Login & Registration Preview

The attached images below are the social login & registration preview.


Split Post

You can break your content into several pages to gain more clicks. With Yo!Web, we provide a feature for you to split your content by heading tag. By using this feature on your post, it will increase page views and reduce bounce rate of your site. We also provide several options, so your splitted content can be more interactive.

In this part, we will briefly guide you how to use split post feature with Yo!Web easily.


Yo!Web Split Post Plugin

To enable split post feature on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Split Post plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Setup Split Post

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup split post into certain post. You can follow the instructions below :

  1. First, edit certain post on your website which content needs to be splitted.
  2. If you have selected a post, then at the bottom section you will notice Yo!Web : Split Post metabox.
  3. After you turning on Enable Post Split option, Post Split Option panel will occurs.

    As you can see on the image above, you will notice there are several options that you need to set up.


    • Post Split Template
      On this option you can choose post split template that you want to use.
    • Split Post Tag
      On this option you can choose which heading tag that you want to use as split filter of the current post.
    • Split Header Numbering
      On this option you can choose the numbering type of split header.
    • Load Mode for Post Split
      On this option you can choose load more method for the split post.

    For Template 6 – Template 14, you can enable Table of Content. There are several options that you can set up.

      • Table of Contents
        On this option you can choose to enable table of contents in the current post.
      • Table of Contents Type
        On this option you can choose table of contents type. Therea are normal, floating, and both option.


Split Post Preview

The following attached image is the preview of split post on a website.

Table of Contents Preview

The following attached image is the preview of table of contents on a website.

View Counter

View counter is a useful feature that a good website should own to provide statistical information. Yo!Web has provided a built-in view counter plugin that we branch from the most popular view counter plugins. We have analyzed those popular plugins and implemented the pros into our built-in plugin. In other words, we can get all benefits from various plugins and implement the best practical feature inside Yo!Web.

This plugin will be used on several elements on Yo!Web such as post view counter, Yo!Web – Popular Post widget, Yo!Web – Tab Post widget, etc. You can also use the popular view by week, month, or year feature on Visual Composer and Widget.

On Yo!Web V10, we have improved the view counter. With the new interactive statistic page, Users can see how popular their posts are directly from the account page. Specify which visitors can be counted as a view & better avoid false view count.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. General Setting
  3. Statistic Page



To enable the view counter feature on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – View Counter plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by going to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


General Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup general review settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access general view counter setting by simply hit the Option or go to Appearance → Customize → Yo!Web : View Counter Setting

On Yo!Web : View Counter Setting, there are several sections that you will find :

  1. Data Settings
  2. View Settings

1. Data Settings

In this section, you can set data options for the view counter.

  1. Limit Data
    Limit the view count data to reduce the database space usage. Total view count would be preserved however, the detailed view count information would be lost.
  2. Data Expiration
    Data older than the specified time frame in days will be automatically discarded.


1. View Settings

In this section, you can set view options for the view counter.

  1. Count Interval and Unit
    Give interval each visit count for the same visitor.
  2. Strict Count
    Prevents counting the same visitor view within the View Count Interval that uses private browsing or clearing cookies.
  3. Exclude Visitors
    Ignores view from the selected visitor type.
  4. Exclude Roles
    Ignores view from the selected user roles. Requires Selected user roles to be included in Exclude Visitors.


Statistic Page

With the new interactive statistic page, Users can see how popular their posts are doing directly from the account page

Pay Writer

With Yo!Web, you can create your own writing platform that pays writers. We built a writing platform system and integrated it with a payment system in Yo!Web which will handle your writer payment on your website easily.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Author Payout Setting
  3. General Setting
  4. Pay Writer Options
  5. Earning Statistic
  6. Pay Writer Elements



To activate the pay writer system on your website, you need to install the Yo!Web – Pay Writer plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from the Plugin Dashboard by going to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugins . In addition, Yo!Web – Pay Writer has a feature that requires Yo!Web – View Counter which will require Yo!Web – View Counter to be enabled.


Author Payout Setting

Authors can enter their PayPal account so that they can receive payment for their earnings as an author as well as for receiving donations.



General Setting

Right after you are done with the required plugins activation, you need to configure your website according to your requirements. You can access general setting by simply hit the Option or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Pay Writer Options

On Yo!Web : Pay Writer Options, there are several sections that you will find :

  1. Donation Settings
  2. Payment Settings


1. Donation Settings


In this section, you can set donation options.

  1. Donation on All Posts
    Enable donation on all posts.
  2. Donation Currency
    Configure allowed Currency for the donation.
  3. Donation Element Text
    Configure text displayed in the donation element.
  4. Donation Element Type
    Configure donation element type.
  5. Override Donation Icon Color
    Overrides the post donation meta icon color. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Button on the Donation Element Type option.
  6. Donation Icon Color
    Configure color for donation icon color. Please note, this option will appear and work if you enable the Override Donation Icon Color option.
  7. Donation Widget Title
    Configure the title displayed in the donation widget. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Widget on the Donation Element Type option.
  8. Donation Widget Description
    Configure displays description text at the donation widget. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Widget on the Donation Element Type option.
  9. Checkout Description
    Configure displays description text at the donation checkout page.
  10. Fixed Donation
    Enabling this option will strict donors to donate the predetermined amount.
  11. Fixed Donation amount
    Determine donation amount. Please note, this option will appear and work if you enable the Fixed Donation option.


2. Payment Settings

In this section, there are several sections that you will find :

  1. Paypal Settings
    1. Sandbox Mode
      Check this option if you are using Sandbox PayPal APP credentials
    2. PayPal APP Client ID
      Your PayPal app Client ID.
    3. PayPal APP Client Secret
      Your PayPal app Client Secret.
    4. Receiver Email
      Your PayPal email address. Email Address matches the email address passed back by IPN. Use your primary email address for your PayPal account. They need to match.
    5. Forward IPN Response
      Enable it if there are other plugins that need an IPN response from PayPal.
    6. Forward IPN URLs
      Please provide the valid IPN request URL.
    7. Payout Subject
      Subject for the payout message.
    8. Payout Message
      Message for the content of the payout message.
  2. General Settings
    1. Payout Currency
      Choose the currency of the payout.
    2. Payout Parameter
      Select payout parameter to be calculated in payout
    3. Payout Limit
      Set the maximum payout amount for the receiver (0 means unlimited).
  3. Standard Payout Option
    1. Minimum Post Payout
      Adjust the minimum payout amount for each post. Each post will cost at least the value configured.
  4. View Count Payout Option
    1. View Payout
      Adjust the payout amount for each view.
    2. Minimum View Count
      Set the minimum views needed to be eligible for view payout.
  5. Word Payout Option
    1. Word Payout Rate
      Set the word rate. The rate would be applied if the minimum word requirement is achieved.
    2. Minimum Word Count
      Set the minimum word count that needs to be achieved before the rate can be applied.

Pay Writer Option

We provide a Post Donation Option that you can find on each post. With this feature, the Author will be able to enable or disable post donation.



Enable Donation option will only be visible if the Donation on All Post at Customizer is enabled.

Earning Statistic

Yo!Web – Pay Writer has the earning statistic page for web administrators and authors. The administrator can check the payout information and pay directly from the earning statistic dashboard, and each author can see their earning statistic dashboard via the account page.


For Administrator, earning statistic dashboard has more features like pay the writer and check the payment history

For authors, earning statistic dashboard can only see their statistic data and earnings for each post.

Pay Writer Elements

Pay Writer comes with various elements that are compatible with WordPress Shortcode, WP Bakery, and Elementor.

WordPress Shortcode


WP Bakery



There are some options that you can set to further adjust your donation element to your needs.

Weather Forecast

With Yo!Web you can provide interesting weather forecast for your site’s visitors. It allows you to easily add weather forecast element into top header, widget, post, page, or everywhere you want on your site.

Not only that, we have also integrated Yo!Web Weather with four well-known weather forecast data sources. There’re Yahoo WeatherDark SkyOpen Weather Map and Aeris Weather.

In this part, we will guide you how to use weather forecast feature with Yo!Web that only take few minutes and your site will be able to report the weather as seen on TV. There are few things that we’ll explain to you in this part :

  1. Install Yo!Web Weather Plugin
  2. General Weather Setting
  3. Setup Weather on Top Bar Header
  4. Setup Weather Widget
  5. Setup Weather Shortcode


1. Install Yo!Web Weather Plugin

To enable weather forecast on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web – Weather plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


2. General Weather Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup general weather settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access general weather setting by simply go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Header Option → Header – Weather Setting

  1. Weather Forecast Source
    On this option you can choose which weather forecast source that you want to use.
  2. Dark Sky Secret Key
    In case you have chosen Dark Sky source, this option will appear. Insert your Dark Sky secret key that you can find on this page here.
  3. Open Weather Map API Key
    In case you have chosen Open Weather Map source, this option will appear. Insert your Open Weather Map api key that you can find on this page here.
  4. Aeris Weather Client ID
    In case you have chosen Aeris Weather source, this option will appear. Insert your Aeris Weather client id that you can find on this page here.
  5. Aeris Weather Client Secret
    Right after you insert Aeris Weather client id, then you will need to insert Aeris Weather client secret that you can find on this page here.
  6. Default Temperature Unit
    On this option you can choose default temperature for weather forecast which is Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  7. Weather Cache Expired
    On this option you can determine expiration time for the weather forecast data cache.

You will need to refersh the page to see the result of your changes.

If you want to purge the current cache, you just need to choose Disable Cache on the Weather Cache Expired option. Then you can setup the Weather Cache Expired option again right after you refresh the page.


3. Setup Weather on Top Bar Header

To setup weather on Top Bar Header, you can access the weather setting by simply go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Header Option → Header – Weather Setting

  1. Top Bar Weather Position
    On this option you can determine the weather element position on top bar header.
  2. Weather Location
    On this option you will need to insert city name only or city name and country code. (ex: london or london, uk)
  3. Weather Auto Detect Location
    Turn on this option if you want to automatically detect weather location of your site’s visitor.
  4. Top Bar Weather Item
    On this option you can determine behavior of the weather forecast’s next day info. You can also hide them.
  5. Weather Item Content
    On this option you can determine the content of weather forecast info.

The following attached image is preview of the weather forecast on top bar header.


4. Setup Weather Widget

To setup weather on Widget, simply go to WordPress Dashboard → Appearance → Widgets

Then you can insert Yo!Web : Weather widget into certain widget area. Inside widget options, you will find the following list options below :

  1. Title
    Insert title text for the weather widget.
  2. Weather Location
    Insert city name only or city name and country code. (ex: london or london, uk)
  3. Location Name
    Insert location name for weather widget. Leave it blank if you want to use the default location that based on weather location field.
  4. Date Format
    You can set date format of the weather widget, for more detail about this format, please refer toDeveloper Codec. Leave it blank if you don’t want to show them.
  5. Detail Weather Forecast
    On this option you can choose show or hide detail information about weather forecast of the current day.
  6. Next Days Weather Forecast
    On this option you can determine behavior of weather forecast’s next day info. You can also hide them.
  7. Number of Weather Item
    On this option you can determine the number of weather item that you want to show. This option will not work if you hide next days weather forecast info.
  8. Image Background
    On this option you can insert an image for background of the weather widget. If you leave blank this option, the default style will be used automatically.

The following attached images are weather preview on widget with and without background.



5. Setup Weather Shortcode

You can insert weather element into single post or page using Weather Shortcode. If you’re using Visual Composer, you can also insert weather shortcode by using Text Block element, then you can use weather shortcode fully.

In this part we will guide you how to use weather shortcode. You can follow the instructions below:

  1. First, edit certain post on your website where weather forecast needs to be inserted.
  2. If you have selected a post, then put the cursor on the post content section where you want to place the weather forecast and click Weather button.
  3.  After Weather panel option appears, you will find the following options list below :
    • Weather Location
      Insert city name only or city name and country code. (ex: london or london, uk)
    • Auto Detect Location
      Check this option if you want to automatically detect weather location of your site’s visitor.
    • Next Days Weather Forecast
      On this option you can determine behaviour of weather forecast next day info. You also can hide them.
    • Number of Weather Item
      On this option you can determine the number of weather item that you want to show. This option will not work if you hide next days weather forecast info.

    Don’t forget to hit Insert button when all is well-set.

The following attached image is the weather shortcode preview on a website.

Meta Header

Nowadays, social networking is a great way to increase traffic for your website. With Yo!Web, we grant you ability to optimize your website for social media with Open Graph and Twitter Cards meta tags. These features allow you to customize the meta tags information, so you can have more control over your posts and pages presentation.

Yo!Web provides two plugins that can be chosen for this purpose namely Yo!Web Meta Header or Social Media Manager plugin. Please note that you have to choose only one plugin to be used for the best result.

In this part, we will guide you how to use custom meta header feature with Yo!Web for just few minutes. For another plugin like Social Media Manager, you can follow this link.


Yo!Web Meta Header Plugin

To use custom meta header feature on your website, you just need to install Yo!Web Meta Header plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


Setup Meta Header

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup meta header for certain post. You can follow the instruction below :

  1. First, edit certain post on your website.
  2. If you have selected a post, then at the bottom section you will notice Yo!Web : Social Meta metabox.

    As you can see on the image above, you will notice there are several options that you need to set up especially for Facebook.


    • Facebook Share Title
      On this option you can insert title for the share. Leave empty this option if you want to use post or page title by default.
    • Facebook Share Description
      On this option you can insert description for the share. Leave empty this option if you want to use post or page excerpt by default.
    • Facebook Share Image
      On this option you can choose image for the share. Leave empty this option if you want to use featured image by default.
      * The minimum size constraint of 200px by 200px

    As you can see on the image above, you will notice there are several options that you need to set up especially for Twitter.

    • Twitter Share Title
      On this option you can insert title for the share. Leave empty this option if you want to use post or page title by default.
    • Twitter Share Description
      On this option you can insert description for the share. Leave empty this option if you want to use post or page excerpt by default.
    • Twitter Share Image
      On this option you can choose image for the share. Leave empty this option if you want to use featured image by default.


Yo!Web Video

With Yo!Web, you can create very interesting video websites. From analyzing some of the best features of famous video websites, we created a video system and integrated it into Yo!Web. With the latest design trends, our video layout design will make your website look better than before.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. General Setting
  3. Video Option
  4. Playlist
  5. Frontend



To activate video mode on your website, you need to install the plugin Yo!Web – Video BuddyPress BuddyPress Followers . You can easily install and activate this plugin from the Plugin Dashboard by going to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


General Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup general review settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access general review setting by simply hit the Option or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Video Setting

On Yo!Web : Video Setting, there are several section option that you will find :

  1. BuddyPress Setting
  2. Single Post Video Setting
  3. Single Playlist Setting


1. BuddyPress Setting

In this section, you can set general options for BuddyPress.

  1. BuddyPress User & Group Page Template
    Choose your BuddyPress user and group page template.
  2. BuddyPress Page Layout
    Choose your BuddyPress page layout.
  3. BuddyPress Sidebar
    Choose sidebar that you want to use on BuddyPress Page. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Right Sidebar or Left Sidebar on BuddyPress Page Layout option.
  4. BuddyPress Members Navigation
    Select and sort the BuddyPress menu for members navigation.


2. Single Post Video Setting

In this section, you can set general options for Single Post Video Setting.

Main Section

  1. Override Single Video Post Setting
    Turn on this option to override template setting for video post format only.


Single Video Post Template
Please note, this section will appear if Override Single Video Post Setting option enabled.

  1. Single Video Post Layout
    Choose your single video post layout.
  2. Single Video Post Sidebar
    Choose sidebar that you want to use on Single Video Post. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Right Sidebar or Left Sidebar on Single Video Post Layout option.
  3. Enable Content Truncate
    Turn this option on to enable content truncate.


Single Video Post Element
Please note, this section will appear if Override Single Video Post Setting option enabled.

  1. Show Featured Image/Video
    Show featured image or video on single video post.
  2. Show Video Post Meta Header
    Show video post meta on post header.
  3. Show View Counter
    Show or hide view counter. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  4. Show Video Post Date
    Show video post date on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  5. Video Post Date Format
    Choose which date format you want to use for single video post meta. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and Show Video Post Date option are enabled.
  6. Show Like Button
    Adjust the post like button on post meta header. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and Yo!Web – Like plugin are enabled.
  7. Show Zoom Button
    Show zoom button on the video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  8. Number of Zoom Out Step
    Set the number of zoom out step to limit when zoom out button clicked. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and Show Zoom Button option are enabled.
  9. Number of Zoom In Step
    Set the number of zoom in step to limit when zoom in button clicked. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option and Show Zoom Button option are enabled.
  10. Show Comment Button
    Show comment button on video post meta header. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta Header option enabled.
  11. Show Video Post Meta
    Show video post meta on post content.
  12. Show Video Post Author
    Show video post author on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option enabled.
  13. Show Video Post Author Image
    Show video post author image on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Show Video Post Author option are enabled.
  14. Show Subscribe Counter
    Show subscribe counter on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Video Mode enabled.
  15. Show Reading Time
    Show estimate reading time on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option enabled.
  16. Words Per Minute
    Set the average reading speed for the user. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Show Reading Time option are enabled.
  17. Show Subscribe Button
    Show subscribe button on video post meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Video Post Meta option and Video Mode are enabled.
  18. Show Category
    Show video post category ( below the article ).
  19. Show Video Post Tag
    Show single video post tag (below the article).
  20. Show Prev / Next Post
    Show previous or next post navigation (below article).
  21. Show Popup Post
    Show bottom right popup post widget.
  22. Number of Popup Post
    Set the number of post to show when popup post appear. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Popup Post option enabled.
  23. Show Author Box
    Show author box (below the article).
  24. Show Reading Progress Bar
    Show reading progress bar on single video post.
  25. Progress Bar Position
    Choose the position of reading progress bar on single video post. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Reading Progress Bar option enabled.
  26. Progress Bar Color
    Set color for the progress bar. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Reading Progress Bar option enabled.


Single Thumbnail Setting
Please note, this section will appear if Override Single Video Post Setting option enabled.

  1. Post Thumbnail Size
    Choose your post’s single image thumbnail size. You can also override this behaviour on your single post editor.


3. Single Playlist Setting

In this part, you can setup a general option for Single playlist.

Single Playlist Template

  1. Single Playlist Template
    Choose your single playlist template.
  2. Single Playlist Layout
    Choose your single playlist layout. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Template 1 on Single Playlist Template option.


Single Playlist Element

  1. Show Featured Image
    Show featured image single playlist.
  2. Show Playlist Meta
    Show playlist meta on playlist aside.
  3. Show Playlist Author
    Show playlist author on playlist meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta option enabled.
  4. Show Playlist Author Image
    Show playlist author image on playlist meta container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta option and Show Playlist Author option enabled.
  5. Show Video Counter
    Show or hide video counter. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta option enabled.
  6. Show Playlist Meta Action
    Show playlist meta action on playlist aside.
  7. Show Subscribe Button
    Show subscribe button on option container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option enabled.
  8. Show Follower Counter
    Show follower counter on subscribe button. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option and Show Subscribe Button option are enabled.
  9. Show Share Button
    Show share button on option container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option enabled.
  10. Show More Option
    Show more option on option container. Please note, this option will appear and work if Show Playlist Meta Action option enabled.


Video Option

We provide Video Option that you can find on each post. With this feature, you will be able to add Video Duration and Video Preview to the post. Video Option only appears for posts in Video post format.



For video preview and duration will work with video module only.

Please check the following explanation about Yo!Web : Video Option below :



Display video duration, for video post formats, on Video Module.


Supported sources

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Dailymotion

For YouTube videos, you have to provide YouTube API Key in the Customizer → Yo!Web : Additional Option → Global API Key .

Manual Setup
If your video is not supported, you can set the length of the video manually. To do so, please do the following:

  • Go to the post edit view
  • Scroll down to the Yo!Web: Video Option section
  • Fill the duration field


3 Second Video Preview

Display video preview, for video post formats, when hover on Video Module.


Supported sources

  • YouTube

Manual Setup
If your video is not supported, you can set the preview of the video manually. To do so, please do the following:

  • Go to the post edit view
  • Scroll down to the Yo!Web: Video Option section
  • Choose WEBP file from your media library



Playlist are a way of grouping posts. You can insert articles to read later, check your history or create a personal set of the best results.



For Playlist, you have to install BuddyPress plugin in the Yo!Web Dashboard → Install Plugin → Video Mode .


Available Playlist

  • History
    Automatic. Posts are added while browsing
  • Watch Later
    Manual. Posts are added by a user
  • Favorite
    Manual. Posts are added by a user


Custom Playlist

Custom playlist are playlist created by users. Users have full control of them.


On Custom playlist, there are several Visibility option that user will find :

  1. Public
    It is open to all, but it can only be added, removed and edited by the owner
  2. Private
    Only the owner of the playlist has access


Create Playlist

A new playlist is created when user add the first item, so please see the Add Playlist Item section below for more information.



Single Playlist

To view the single playlist page, user can visit his profile page and use the Playlist tab.



Edit Playlist

To edit the playlist, open a single playlist page and click the Edit button. Only the owner of the playlist has access to it.


From here, user can click the Action Menu ( vertical ellipsis ) button and user will see a popup to edit the playlist. Here, user can edit :

  1. Name
  2. Description
  3. Visibility
  4. Featured Image


Add Playlist Item

To add a new item (post) to the playlist, please do the following:


  1. Hover the Add to Playlist link and click the selected playlist from:
    • Module View
      Under each post, user should find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
    • Single View
      On the right side of the post meta, user will find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
  2. If user are not logged in, user will see the login form
  3. If user are logged in, user will able to add item to their playlist or create New Playlist
  4. To add a post to an existing playlist, select from the list
  5. To add a post to a new playlist, click New Playlist link, fill in the name, choose visibility and click Save
  6. In the bottom left page corner, user will see the notification


Remove Playlist Item

To remove an item from the playlist, user can do it from:


  1. Hover the Add to Playlist link and click the checked playlist from:
    • Module View
      Under each post, user should find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
    • Single Post View
      On the right side of the post meta, user will find the post action menu (vertical ellipsis) button
    • Single playlist View
      On the list item of the playlist, user will find the Remove button


Remove Playlist

To remove the playlist, open a single playlist page and click the Delete button. Only the owner of the playlist has access to it.



Frontend Video Upload

If you are using Yo!Web Frontend Submit plugin. with Yo!Web Video The forms give users the ability to make a new post as video post from the site frontend so that the user does not need to enter the backend admin panel to do the action.
please do the following:


  1. Please make sure you have been set YouTube API Key in Customizer → Yo!Web : Additional Option → Global API Key to make sure the user can fetch the video data from the supported video in there
  2. Go to https://yourdomain.com/account/edit-account/ then find Upload Video button.
  3. After that, you will see this Upload Page. In this page, you can make a new post as video by clicking the Submit Video button after filling the form.
  4. After submitting a new post, the post will be reviewed by your website administrator.


Desktop Push Notification

Website push notification is proven to be more effective than email. On average, 30% – 40% subscribers interact with message instantly. And we complete Yo!Web with deep integration of web push notification.

In this part, we will guide you how to use Desktop Push Notification feature with Yo!Web that only takes few minutes. There are few things that we’ll explain to you in this part:

  1. Install Plugin
  2. Setup OneSignal Push Setting
  3. Push Notification for Single Post
  4. Push Notification for Single Category
  5. Push Notification Widget
  6. Push Notification Visual Composer
  7. How to Use?


1. Install Plugin

To enable Desktop Push Notification on your website, you will need to install both of OneSignal and Yo!Web Push Notification plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin


2. Setup OneSignal Push Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, you will need to do some setup for OneSignal Push. Please check the image below and you just need to follow the plugin instructions under Setup panel the click Chrome & Firefox Push to begin :


3. Push Notification for Single Post

After you’ve done with OneSignal Push setup, next you can configure push notification for single post. You can access the option by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Additional Option → Push Notification → Single Post Setting

  1. Enable Post Subscribe
    Turn on this option if you want to enable subscription on each single post page.
  2. Subscribe Description
    Insert text description of post subscription.
  3. Subscribe Button Text
    Insert text for subscribe button.
  4. Unsubscribe Button Text
    Insert text for unsubscribe button.
  5. Processing Button Text
    Insert text for processing button.


4. Push Notification for Single Category

After you’ve done with OneSignal Push setup, next you can configure push notification for single category. You can access the option by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Additional Option → Push Notification → Single Category Setting

  1. Enable Post Subscribe
    Turn on this option if you want to enable subscription on each single post page.
  2. Subscribe Description
    Insert text description of post subscription.
  3. Subscribe Button Text
    Insert text for subscribe button.
  4. Unsubscribe Button Text
    Insert text for unsubscribe button.
  5. Processing Button Text
    Insert text for processing button.


5. Push Notification Widget

To setup push notification on Widget, simply go to WordPress Dashboard → Appearance → Widgets

Then you can insert Yo!Web : Push Notification widget into certain widget area. Inside widget options, you will find the following options list :

  1. Title
    Insert title text for push notification widget.
  2. Subscribe Description
    Insert text description of post subscription.
  3. Subscribe Button Text
    Insert text for subscribe button.
  4. Unsubscribe Button Text
    Insert text for unsubscribe button.
  5. Processing Button Text
    Insert text for processing button.


6. Push Notification Visual Composer

To insert push notification with Visual Composer, simply by Add Element → Yo!Web – Element → Yo!Web – Push Notification

You can check the following image for more detail.

As you can see the image on above, you just need to choose Yo!Web – Push Notification and then you will notice there’re several options on Yo!Web – Push Notification Setting tab.

  1. Subscribe Description
    Insert text description of post subscription.
  2. Subscribe Button Text
    Insert text for subscribe button.
  3. Unsubscribe Button Text
    Insert text for unsubscribe button.
  4. Processing Button Text
    Insert text for processing button.


7. How to Use?

After you’ve done with all kind of setup above, now it’s time to send notification to your subscriber. You can follow the instructions below :

  1. First, edit certain post on your website that you want your subscriber to see its push notification. You can also create a new post.
  2. If you have selected a post, then at the right side section you will notice OneSignal Push Notification metabox. You can check the image below for more detail.
  3. Please make sure you have checked the box on the option pointed by the image above. After that you just need to save your post and a push notification about that post will be sent.


With Yo!Web, you can create a really attractive podcasting website in a matter of minutes. We built a podcasting system and integrated it into Yo!Web with interesting features made to enhance your podcasting experience and allow you to customize to suit your needs.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. General Setting
  3. Podcast Option
  4. Player
  5. Create New Podcast
  6. Create New Episode
  7. Import Podcast Using PowerPress



To activate podcasting mode on your website, you need to install the plugin Yo!Web – Podcast . You can easily install and activate this plugin from the Plugin Dashboard by going to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin . Also, Yo!Web Podcast supports PowerPress (Podcasting plugin by Blubrry)


General Setting

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you can setup general review settings to fit with your website’s need. You can access general podcast setting by simply hit the Option or go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Customize Style → Yo!Web : Podcast Setting

On Yo!Web : Podcast Setting, there are several section option that you will find :

  1. Podcast General Settings
  2. Podcast Template & Layout Settings
  3. Podcast Category Template Settings
  4. PowerPress Settings


1. Podcast General Settings

In this section, you can set general options for Podcast.

  1. Override Default Category WordPress to Podcast Category
    Enable this feature will override the default category WordPress to podcast Category.
  2. Enable Podcast Player
    Enable this feature will show podcast player.
  3. Enable Global Player
    Enable this feature will show podcast player globally. Please note, this option will appear and work if you enable Podcast Player.


2. Podcast Template & Layout Settings

In this section, you can set general options for Single Podcast Settings.

  1. Single Podcast Template & Layout Setting
    Choose your single podcast template. Layout option only available to template 1.
  2. Single Podcast Element
    Controls the podcast element appearance. You can control which part to be displayed or hidden. Would apply to all Podcast elements.
  3. Single Podcast Content Setting
    Controls how the podcast content be displayed in the podcast element.


3. Podcast Category Template Settings

In this section, you can set general options for Single Podcast Category Settings.

Podcast Category Page Layout

  1. Page Layout
    Choose your single podcast category layout.
  2. Sidebar
    Choose the sidebar that you want to use on the Single Podcast Category. Please note, this option will appear and work if you choose Right Sidebar or Left Sidebar on the Page Layout option.
  3. Sticky Sidebar
    Enable this feature will make the Sidebar sticky.


Podcast Category Content

  1. Content Layout
    Choose your single podcast category content layout.
  2. Posts Per Page
    Fill this field to set the number of podcasts per page.
  3. Enable Boxed
    Enable this feature will turn the module into the box.
  4. Enable Shadow
    Enable this feature will turn shadow on the module.
  5. Excerpt Length
    Fill this field to set the word length of the excerpt on the module.
  6. Choose Pagination Mode
    Choose pagination mode which fits your block.


4. PowerPress Settings

In this part, you can setup a general option for PowerPress Integration.

PowerPress Import Setting

  1. Override Podcast Terms Detail
    Enable this feature will make PowerPress override podcast terms in detail when importing podcast.
  2. Override Post Detail
    Enable this feature will make PowerPress override post detail with the imported podcast when importing podcast.
  3. Use Terms Default Image
    Enable this feature will make PowerPress use terms default image to the imported podcast when importing podcast. Please note, this option will appear and work if you enable the Override Post Detail option.
  4. Override Post Category
    Enable this feature will make PowerPress override the post category with the imported podcast category when importing the podcast.


Podcast Option

We provide a Podcast Option that you can find on each post. With this feature, you will be able to add Episode Duration and Media URL to the post. Podcast Option only appears when podcast post enable.



For podcast option, will only work with the podcast feature.

Please check the following explanation about Yo!Web : Podcast Option below :


Podcast Post

Enable podcast post mode. To do so, please do the following:


  • Go to the post edit view
  • Scroll down to the Yo!Web: Podcast Option section
  • Enable the podcast option



Display episode duration, for podcast post, on Podcast Module.


Manual Setup
you can set the length of the video manually. To do so, please do the following:

  • Go to the post edit view
  • Scroll down to the Yo!Web: Podcast Option section
  • Fill the duration field


Media URL

Attach media URL for podcast post.


Manual Setup
you can set the preview of the video manually. To do so, please do the following:

  • Go to the post edit view
  • Scroll down to the Yo!Web: Podcast Option section
  • Fill the media URL field



Use Dock Player to play podcasts on all sites! This is ideal for anyone artist or a user looking for information with podcasts when browsing the site.


Media Button for Player

New media button on the podcast module


Podcast Elements

The podcast comes with various elements that are compatible with WordPress Shortcode, WP Bakery, and Elementor.

WordPress Shortcode


WP Bakery



After deciding which element you would like to add to your site, there are some options that you can set to further adjust your podcast element to your needs.

  1. Header
    • Header Icon
      Shows icon on the element header. Choose none for not displaying an icon.
    • Title
      Displays your main title of the element.
    • Second Title
      Displays the secondary element title. Have a different styling from the main title.
    • Title URL
      Gives a permalink option on the element title.
    • Header Type
      Choose your header style option
    • Header Background
      Choose the header main background color.
    • Header Secondary Background
      Choose the secondary header background color.
    • Header Text Color
      Choose your title color.
    • Header Line Color
      Choose your line color at the element header.
    • Header Accent
      Change the accent of your header.
  2. Content Filter
    • Number of Podcast
      Controls the number of podcasts displayed on your element.
    • Podcast Offset
      Offset your podcast by the value configured.
    • Include Podcast
      Choose which podcast you would like to include in the element.
    • Exclude Podcast
      Exclude any podcase specified from being displayed in the element.
    • Show Base On
      Controls how the order of podcasts displayed.
    • Include into Unique Content Group
      Use this setting if you do not want to show any duplicate podcasts on elements of the same group.
  3. Content Setting
    • Use Normal Image Load
      Force this element to use normal image load instead of global image load setting.
  4. Pagination
    • Choose Pagination Mode
      Choose your pagination style and option.
  5. Design
    • Enable Boxed
      Show boxed view instead of the default view.
    • Enable Shadow
      Shows shadow. This setting is only available if the boxed setting is enabled.
    • Element ID
      Gives an element ID
    • Extra class name
      Gives an extra class name.
    • Element Color Schemes
      Choose your color scheme for the element.
    • Block/Column Width
      Control your element block width.
    • Title Color
    • Changes your content title color.
    • Accent Color & Link Hover
      Change the color upon podcast hover action.
    • Meta Color
      Change the podcast meta color.
    • Excerpt Color
      Change the podcast excerpt color.
    • Play Button Icon Color
      Change button icon color.
    • Play / Subscribe Button Text Color
      Change the button text color.
    • Play / Subscribe Button Border Color
      Change the button border color.
    • Play / Subscribe Button Background Color
      Change the button background color.
    • More Button Icon Color
      Change more button icon color.
    • More Button Border Color
      Change more button border color.
    • More Button Background Color
      Change more button background color.


Create New Podcast

To create a podcast series, go to the Posts → Yo!Web Series screen. Then fill in a name for your podcast, adding a description and slug is optional.


Now click the “Add Podcast Series” button and your podcast will be created.

Create New Episode

Create and upload a media file for the episode to your website. To store your files securely and efficiently, we suggest using a media storage firm.


Upload them to your media host when you finish making the episodes. When completed, you should be able to view media files, such as http:/example.com/path/to/your/media.mp3, with a web address. For the next phase, you’ll need this URL.

Sign in to your WordPress admin area (usually yourdomain.com/wp-admin) and go to Posts and Add New. Treat the title of the blog post as your podcast episode’s title. The body content of your blog post is also a note of your podcast episode. Take care to enter detailed descriptions, both for search engine optimization (SEO) and for searching for podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts and others.

Find the “Podcast Option” at the bottom of the page. Enter the URL you got in the previous step in the ‘Media URL’ field. Enter a duration in the “Duration” field as well.

Add your episode to your podcast in the podcast series field

Import Podcast Using PowerPress

If you are using the PowerPress plugin. You can import the podcast into Yo!Web Podcast Taxonomy that gives users the ability to import podcasts to post and fill the podcast option. First, You will need to get the RSS feed from Anchor FM. To get the RSS feed, please do the following below:


Get RSS feed via Dashboard

  1. Go to Anchor FM and login to your account.
  2. On Dashboard, click ‘Settings’ at the top right of your Anchor dashboard and Select ‘Distribution’
  3. Locate ‘Your RSS Feed’ to see your Anchor feed. Click the purple ‘Copy’ button to copy your feed

Get RSS feed via podcast page

  1. Go to Anchor podcast page. For example, We will use 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Life podcast By Hayden & William.
  2. On the podcast page, Locate ‘WHERE TO LISTEN’ and Click the RSS feed icon.

After getting the RSS feed URL, we can start to import the podcast. Please do the following:

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard → Appearance → Customize and make sure you have been enable Override Podcast Terms DetailOverride Post Detail and Override Post Category in Customizer → Yo!Web : Podcast Setting → PowerPress Settings to avoid missing some information when importing the podcast from PowerPress
  2. Please create new podcast series on WordPress Dashboard → Posts → Podcast Series before import the podcast.
  3. Please make sure you have enabled the podcast series by Yo!Web ( Yo!Web series ) taxonomy in PowerPress on WordPress Dashboard → PowerPress → Settings → Advanced
  4. Add your podcast series to PowerPress on WordPress Dashboard → PowerPress → Taxonomy Podcasting
  5. Go to Import Podcasts Page on WordPress Dashboard → PowerPress → Import Podcast.
  6. Choose your podcast source. For example, use Podcast from Anchor.fm
  7. Insert your RSS feed into the given box
  8. Select the destination for Importing Podcasts on “Podcast Taxonomy feed”, check “Import program information” and “Import iTunes artwork”.
  9. Click the Blue “Import podcast” button.
    NoteImporting podcasts to your site may take some time. The importer fetches images and podcast content to create a new post on your site. So, please do not refresh the importer page. If you want to do other activities, you can do it on another page, but if possible it is recommended to wait for the import until the finish.

Switch Theme

If you have used JMagz, Sahifa or Newspaper theme previously, now we provide migration tools for easier switching theme process to Yo!Web.

In this part, we will guide you how to use Migration feature with Yo!Web which only takes few clicks. There are few things that we’ll explain to you in this part :

  1. JMagz Migration
  2. Newspaper Migration
  3. Publisher Migration
  4. Sahifa Migration


1. JMagz Migration

To use JMagz migration feature, you will need to install Yo!Web – JMagz Migration plugin. You can easily install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you will need acess Migration Dashboard by simply hit the Migration button on the Plugin Dashboard or by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Migration – JMagz


2. Newspaper Migration

To use Newspaper migration feature, you will need to install Yo!Web – Newspaper Migration plugin. You can easily to install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you will need acess Migration Dashboard by simply hit the Migration button on the Plugin Dashboard or by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Migration – Newspaper


3. Publisher Migration

To use Publisher migration feature, you will need to install Yo!Web – Publisher Migration plugin. You can easily to install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you will need acess Migration Dashboard by simply hit the Migration button on the Plugin Dashboard or by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Migration – Publisher


4. Sahifa Migration

To use Sahifa migration feature, you will need to install Yo!Web – Sahifa Migration plugin. You can easily to install and activate this plugin from Plugin Dashboard by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Plugin

Right after you’ve done with the plugin activation, next you will need acess Migration Dashboard by simply hit the Migration button on the Plugin Dashboard or by go to Yo!Web Dashboard → Migration – Sahifa
