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Listing Fields

Author: admin 273 views

The fields are one of the most important setting while creating your listing types. All the fields that you create will automatically appear on different sections of your website.

How to create and manage your listing fields?

Go to Listing Types  (edit specific listing type)  Listing  Fields. Use the drop-down menu to select any module you like, and then click the Add new button. The module will be automatically injected to your listing fields.

Expand each module and use the options to get the desired results. The drag & drop interface allows you to sort the fields. Don’t forget to save when you are ready 🙂

Where are these fields appearing?

All the fields that you create will be automatically inject to multiple locations.

  • Front-end submission page
  • Admin — listing edit
  • User dashboard — listing edit

Please note, that the fields you have created won’t appear on your single listing page. Learn more about managing the single listing modules

Field keys (or ids) and pre-defined field keys

You will notice that almost every field goes with an option named Key. The key is very important, this is how we identify your fields.

Some keys will allow you to switch to pre-defined keys, like TitleContentGallery… These fields are automatically being used for some important actions.


Make sure that each one of your fields is having a unique and not empty field key, inside a single listing type.

Here is an example, the pre-defined key Title will be used as default WordPress post title, which is very important to build your post correctly. This title is being used by other 3rd party plugins like Yoast for improving your search engine results.

Another example, the pre-defined field Gallery, will be used for any place that requires a listing cover image or showcase images.

This is why it is a good idea to first use the pre-defined fields, and for additional content, you can create your custom key names.

Exclude specific field from the submission or admin edit pages

Each field module also comes with the following options:

  • Show in admin edit page
  • Show in submission form

Both options are checked by default, but if you want to hide the field from a specific page, just uncheck it. This could be very useful, if there is any information that should be only inserted by the site administrator.
