Guide on how to set up vendors on your site and become a multi vendor marketplace
From the version 1.0.8. you will be able to take a commission from every listing sale that was made on your site. For the payment releasing to your vendors at the moment, two options are available for you PayPal Payouts& Stripe Connect.
To enable vendors and essentially become marketplace you need to go to Yo!Classifieds Options -> Theme Setup -> Vendors section and do it from there.
How to enable vendors functionality in the Yo!Classifieds theme
When you’ve done that and set the commission that you will take from the every sold listing your site will become a marketplace and a couple of features will show up.
First, one is Sell on Site button during the listing submission process where the advertisers will be able to mark the listing for sale directly through your site for the commission you set in the theme options.
Option to sell the listing directly through the site
The other new feature that will show up is the Earnings section in the user dashboard where all relevant information for the vendors will be displayed. There a vendor will be able to see the amount site is due to pay, the amount received and set the options for receiving the payments.