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Fields Builder

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Fields Builder

Guide on how to use fields builder to create custom categories and taxonomies
Fields builder is created to enable the creation of any kind of classifieds site that you wish from the Yo!Classifieds theme, and more. You can create as many Groups (categories) as you wish and connect to its an unlimited amount of custom taxonomies that are easily searchable by the user.
You can create as many categories and taxonomies as you wish with the advanced Fields Builder
Fields Builder can be accessed from the Fields Builder section of the wp-admin area.
In order to fully understand what you can achieve with it please watch the playlist of the video tutorials that we have prepared for you.


Guide on how to add and manage Fields Builder Groups
Please watch the video tutorial that we’ve prepared for you in order to find out how you can create and manage your own field groups.

Common Group

Guide on how to set up common group taxonomies and explanation on why it is being used
Common Group is used in two probable occasions. Let’s use real-world examples to try and explain why you need it.
Classifieds Ads website with many different categories
If you plan to setup this kind of website then you will start by creating new groups (categories) from the Fields Builder. Every new group that you create will have its own set of required taxonomies, so if you are creating a Car group then it should have for example taxonomies like make, model, engine, transmission, etc. and if the next category is for example Real Estate then it should have its own set of required taxonomies like lot size, property type, year built, etc.
As you can see these taxonomies are unique for the group (category) that you create, but you will also notice that you will need for example Location taxonomies like country or city and they will be the same for every, or for the most, products that you list on your site. Those are the ones that should be added to the default Common Group, as they will be the same for most of the products.
Depending on your site setup also condition, color, sold on-site, shipped, digital or not, or similar taxonomies could be part of the Common Group.
Classifieds Ads website with a single category
If you plan to create a classifieds site that is listing only, for example, Cars for sale then you will immediately notice that almost all taxonomies like make, model, engine, transmission, etc. are used for all the products (cars) that you’re site is listing. That means that all of these taxonomies should go to the Common group as they are necessary requirements for all or most of the cars listed on your site and there is no point in creating separate groups (categories) for them.
We have also prepared a small video that can help you further understand the Common Group.

How to Create Taxonomy

Guide on how to create taxonomy from the fields builder
In order to create a taxonomy from the field builder, you need to choose a group that you wish to edit. Once you’ve done that the process is straightforward and very simple to use. Please watch the prepared video tutorial if you have any issues with it.

Dependable Fields

Guide on how to use and understand the relation between dependable fields
Fields Builder allows you to create a connection between two related fields. So if you create fields country and city and you want to create a parent -> child relationship between them you can do that. It is possible to create unlimited nesting.
If we follow through the above mentioned real-world example then we can achieve a structure similar to this:
  • North America
    • California
      • Los Angeles
      • Sacramento
    • New York
      • New York
        • Manhattan
          • 5th Avenue
  • Europe
    • Italy
      • Milano
      • Torino
      • Roma
This type of relation will force users to firstly choose Country (parent field) then they’ll be able to choose City (child field) during the search or during the ad submission process.
One more example of dependable taxonomies would be cars make and models for example:
  • Alfa Romeo
    • Stelvio
    • Giulia
    • Giulietta
  • Audi
    • Quattro
    • A
      • A6
      • A4
  • BWM
    • X
      • X3
      • X4
      • X5

Select and Checkbox Field Types

Guide on how, when and where you should use select and checkbox field types
We’ve prepared a video in case you have any struggles in using taxonomies select and/or checkbox field types.

Location Field Type

Guide on how and when you should use location field type
We’ve prepared a video in case you have any struggles in using taxonomies location field type.

Input Field Type

Guide on how and when to use taxonomies input field type
Input field type is used when you are creating a taxonomy and expect many values that are simply not possible to be predefined by the administrator of the site. One good example would be mileage taxonomy that is used for the cars. It is impossible to add that many values so that the user can choose from, so this one would be a good use for input field type in which users will be able to add their own number.
Input field type is always numeric input field and in the search form it is always displayed as the range field with values from and to that a user can choose from.

We’ve prepared a video in case you have any struggles in using taxonomies input field type.

Disabling Fields Builder
Guide on how you can disable the fields builder
If you don’t want to use fields builder or if you want to prevent the customer you’re creating site for from changing your custom fields, taxonomies and overall fields builder configuration – then you can easily switch off the fields builder. No one will be able to edit any of the fields that you created and all your configuration will still be in the full use on the site.
In order to disable the fields builder please go to the Yo!Classifieds Options -> Theme Setup  from wp-admin area and there you’ll find an option that allows you disabling of the search builder.