- Active the lightbox at the site or not, Because someone need to stop it to can use another plugin.
- Active the go up button at the site or not.
- Active the font awesome at the site or not to can use more icons.
- Active the loader at the site or not.
- Choose the data format and see this link to know the format.
- Choose the time format and see this link to know the format.
- Choose what’s the excerpt type, Words or Characters
- Active the top bar for the WordPress or not.
- Enable the SEO at the theme or not, like SEO keywords, Facebook meta, Twitter meta….
- Facebook share image, when you share the site at Facebook, If not upload it will share the logo.
- Header code, It’s mean the head area, and you can add the Google Analytics for example.
- Footer code, you can add any JS for example at the footer.
- SEO keywords, the meta tags you need to add it at your site like this : questions, answers, q and a,….
- When login at the WordPress admin, you can upload your logo.
- Add the height for the logo for the WordPress admin login.
- Add the width for the logo for the WordPress admin login.
- Custom favicon for the site.
- Custom favicon for the iPhone.
- Custom favicon for the iPhone retina.
- Custom favicon for the iPad.
- Custom favicon for the iPad retina.
Theme Options
General settings
Header settings
Header settings
- Choose the header height, Large or Small height.
- Choose the header skin, Dark, Light or colored like the site color you choose.Logo display by site name or upload logo.
- If choose custom image, upload your logo.
- If choose custom image, upload your retina logo.
- Choose the height for the main logo not retina.
- Choose the width for the main logo not retina.
- Choose if you need the top search or not.
- The header user login for this part at the header.
- The style for the user login is light or dark.
- Choose what’s the pages are show at the menu and drag and drop them.
- Choose the header notification is active or not.
- The style for the notification is light or dark.
- Type the number of the notification items to show at the header.
- Active the fixed header or not.
- If you need to remove the breadcrumbs at the site, Turn it OFF.
Mobile setting
- If you active the fixed header at the header setting you can stop the fixed header at the mobile.
- Choose the color for the menu was work at mobile.
- Active the mobile bar or not.
- If you active this option you can select the menus show at the mobile instead of top menu and left menu.
- Choose menu for the unlogged users.
- Choose menu for the logged users.
Posts settings
Posts & Loop setting
- Choose the post style, 1 columns or list style.
- Choose the category description active or not.
- If you active the category description, choose you need the RSS link for the category or not.
- Choose the tag description active or not.
- If you active the tag description, choose you need the RSS link for the tag or not.
- Hide the featured image at the posts loop.
- Remove the read more button or not at the posts loop.
- Number of the Words or Characters.
- Pagination style at this posts.
Add – Edit – Delete
- Type your slug for the add post page, and to see the link for it after the input you need to refresh the page after save the options.
- Active any one can add post, logged users can add post.
- Choose the posts go to review before published it or not, If you choose “Draft” this will go to review first.
- Active this option to send email for the admin when some one add the post and this post need to review before publish.
- If you active this option will approved the posts auto when the user made the post has a previously posts.
- Tags available at the post form or not.
- Active the attachment at the post form or not, If you active it and the users upload the image will upload at the featured image.
- Details textarea available at the post form or not.
- Active the editor for the details textarea or not.
- Active the edit post for the users or not.
- Type your slug for the edit post page.
- When users edit the post make the post need a review again or not.
- Active the delete post for the users or not.
- When the user delete post will delete it for ever or send to trash.
Post meta setting
- Choose what’s meta show at the posts loop.
Inner pages setting
- Sort the main 5 section at inner pages by remove them or drag and drop them.
- Hide the featured image at inner pages.
- If you uploaded Featured Image and you can choose the default size, 2 sizes with the theme or your custom size.
- If you uploaded Featured Image and choose the custom size, you can set the width.
- If you uploaded Featured Image and choose the custom size, you can set the height.
- Post tags show or not at the posts.
- Active the next and prev post by the same category only or not.
Share setting
- Choose what’s the share show at posts loop, drag and drop them.
Related setting
- Choose the related style, style 1 is images with titles, style 2 is links only.
- Choose the number of the posts are show at the all post layouts.
- Choose the number of the posts are show at the all post with sidebar layout.
- Choose the number of the posts are show at the all post full width layout.
- The related posts worked by same categories, same tags or same author.
- Number of Words or Characters like you choose from the Discy setting.
- Comment at the related active or not, It works only at the style 1.
- Date at the related active or not, It works only at the style 1.
Posts layouts
- Choose the sidebar layout to show at posts at the archive, categories, tags and inner posts.
- Choose what’s sidebar will show at posts.
- Choose one of the skins are come with the theme.
- Or choose your custom color like you need.
- Choose the background style :
- Default : Will be like all the site setting.
- None : if you have a background style at the site but choose here none will remove it at the archive, categories, tags and inner posts.
- Patterns : Will can choose background color and pattern like next items at “Background Color and Choose Pattern”.
- Custom Background : If you don’t need the pattern images you can upload your custom image and choose the attributes for it.
- Background Color when choose from the background type “Patterns”.
- Choose the pattern images.
- Choose your custom attributes like upload image, change color, … When choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
- Choose the image at full screen when choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
Questions settings
General settings
- Active the ajax at the site with WordPress file or file at the theme, The difference here if you choose the WordPress file with some plugins not work, so choose the theme file.
- Show the filter for the categories at the question categories and archive.
- Choose the question category description active or not.
- If you active the question category description, choose you need the RSS link for the question category or not.
- Choose the question tag description active or not.
- If you active the question tag description, choose you need the RSS link for the question tag or not.
- Active the points system at the site or not.
- When delete the questions or answers and they have a best answer, remove the best answers and points for all the site and users.
- Active the bump questions at the site or not.
- Active the reports at the questions and answers at the site or not.
- Active the reports for the logged users only or not.
- If you active this option you can put a points when any user have this point and report questions or answers can move them at the trash.
- Put the number for the points when user have them will move the questions or answers to trash.
- Put here the number for the points when user have them and anyone report their questions or answer will not move to trash.
- Put here the questions ids for the whitelist, Any questions here will not move to trash when any one report them.
- Put here the answers ids for the whitelist, Any answers here will not move to trash when any one report them.
- Active the vote at the site or not.
- Active the pop up data for the author when hover at the authors image.
Question slugs
- Type your question slug for the questions.
- Type your slug for the question category.
- Type your slug for the tag category.
Add – Edit – Delete
- Active any one can add question, logged users can add question.
- When users add a question will charge some points or not.
- If yes, Add the points will charge.
- This points will back for the user when the best answer was selected at this question or not.
- Or add the points number you need to back for the user.
- Choose the questions go to review before published it or not, If you choose “Draft” this will go to review first.
- Active this option to send email for the admin when some one add the question and this question need to review before publish.
- If you active this option will approved the questions auto when the user made the question has a previously questions.
- Send emails for the users who checked the notification when edit his profile.
- Choose what’s the groups will active for them the notification options.
- Type your slug for the add question page, and to see the link for it after the input you need to refresh the page after save the options.
- Choose what’s the fields will show at the question form and drag and drop them.
- Details at the add question form required or not.
- Active the editor for the details textarea or not.
- The terms page will open in the same page or new tab.
- When active the terms choose the page you need it to show at the terms.
- Or add your custom link like you need.
- Active the edit question for the users or not.
- Type your slug for the edit question page.
- When users edit the question make the question need a review again or not.
- Active the delete question for the users or not.
- When the user delete question will delete it for ever or send to trash.
Question meta setting
- Choose what’s meta show at the questions loop and inner questions.
- Active the users can add the questions at the favorite or not.
- Active the users can follow the questions or not.
Questions & Loop settings
- Show or hide the author image in the questions loop.
- Show or hide the vote in the questions loop.
- Show or hide the dislike in the questions loop.
- Show the short details “excerpt” in the questions loop.
- Number of the Words or Characters like you choose from the Discy setting.
- Question tags show or not at the questions loop.
- Pagination style at the question pages.
Inner question
- Active the poll at the question for users only or not.
- Choose the video position if the question have video to put it after or before the content.
- Show or hide the author image inner questions.
- Show or hide the vote inner questions.
- Show or hide the dislike inner questions.
- Active close and open question for the user or not.
- Question tags show or not inner questions.
- Active the next and prev questions or not at the breadcrumbs inner questions.
- Active the next and prev questions by the same category only or not.
- Active the answers inner questions or not.
Share setting
- Choose what’s the share show at questions loop, drag and drop them.
Questions layout
- Choose the sidebar layout to show at questions at the archive, categories, tags and inner questions.
- Choose what’s sidebar will show at questions.
- Choose one of the skins are come with the theme.
- Or choose your custom color like you need.
- Choose the background style :
- Default : Will be like all the site setting.
- None : if you have a background style at the site but choose here none will remove it at the archive, categories, tags and inner questions.
- Patterns : Will can choose background color and pattern like next items at “Background Color and Choose Pattern”.
- Custom Background : If you don’t need the pattern images you can upload your custom image and choose the attributes for it.
- Background Color when choose from the background type “Patterns”.
- Choose the pattern images.
- Choose your custom attributes like upload image, change color, … When choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
- Choose the image at full screen when choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
Payment setting
Payment setting
- Active the sandbox or not, The sandbox is the same PayPal but for the trial to can check if every things work good or not, You can register from here to try it.
- Choose your currency.
- Add your PayPal email to can get the payments.
- Add the PayPal identity token, First you need to make sure you have a business account to can get the token :
Add the “Return URL” like this http://2code.info/demo/themes/Discy/Main/?action=success and copy the “Identity Token”.
Pay to ask
- Active the pay to ask for the questions or not.
- Choose what’s the groups can ask without pay.
- Add the price for the question payment.
Pay to sticky question
- Active pay to sticky the question or not.
- Add the price for the sticky question payment.
- Add what’s the days until finished the sticky question when someone pay for it.
Coupons setting
- Active the coupons at the site or not.
- If you have a free coupons will add them at the pay to ask page and at sticky question or not.
- Add your coupons by add the name, discount type, amount and expiry date, Sure you can leave the expiry date empty to make this coupon free for ever.
Captcha setting
- Active captcha at add question form or not.
- Active captcha at add post form or not.
- Active captcha at register form or not.
- Active captcha at login form or not.
- Active captcha at answer form or not.
- Active captcha at comment form or not.
- Question and answer style for captcha or Normal captcha.
- Question and answer like this
- Normal captcha like this
- If you choose question and answer style, Need the answer show or not.
- If you choose question and answer style, Type your question captcha.
- If you choose question and answer style, Type the answer for the question captcha.
User setting
General Setting
- This to remove the author area at the profile page
- If you active this option will can upload a custom default image if the user not upload any image.
- If you active the previous checkbox will can upload your default image for the users not upload their image.
- The profile link is work by nice name or login name.
- Active the notifications system at the site or not.
- Active the activity log at the site or not.
- Choose what’s the user stars show at the profile page.
- Choose what’s the pages with tabs is show at the profile page and drag and drop them.
- They are a 3 columns will show at the users page at the admin.
- Choose what’s the style show at the followed, followers and search for the users.
- Choose what’s the number of the users are show at the followed, followers and search for the users.
Register Setting
- Choose what’s the default group you need the user joined to it.
- After register go to same page when registered, Home page, User profile page or custom link.
- If you choose a custom link, Add it here.
- After login go to same page when logged, Home page, User profile page or custom link.
- If you choose a custom link, Add it here.
- After logout go to same page when logout, Home page or custom link.
- If you choose a custom link, Add it here.
- Active confirm with email or not.
- Active the terms page when register or not.
- The terms page will open in the same page or new tab.
- When active the terms choose the page you need it to show at the terms.
- Or add your custom link like you need.
- The site is work for the logged users only or not.
- Choose style 1 or 2 for the logged page.
- Upload the background image and choose the color if you need for this page, You can also choose color only.
- Choose the background opacity if you need.
- Choose what’s the menu you need to show at this page.
- Add the headline will show at this page.
- Add the paragraph will show at this page.
Edit Profile
- Drag and drop the 3 sections in the edit profile.
- Drag, Drop and choose what’s the inputs will show at the “Basic Information” section.
- Names is required here when register and edit profile, Name here are “First Name”, “Last Name” and “Display name”.
- Profile image is required here when register and edit profile.
- Add the maximum limit for the size like 1024 this is mean 1 MB and if you leave it empty will upload any image.
- Country is required here when register and edit profile.
- City is required here when register and edit profile.
- Phone is required here when register and edit profile.
- Gender is required here when register and edit profile.
- Age is required here when register and edit profile.
- Drag, Drop and choose what’s the inputs will show at the “Social Profiles” section.
- Drag, Drop and choose what’s the inputs will show at the “About Me” section.
* Note : The register will not show the inputs but will go to the edit profile and can’t out until finished the required fields.
Here the edit profile from the admin side.
Ask Users
- Active the users can ask other users questions.
- Choose what’s the fields will show at the question users form and drag and drop them.
- Details at the add question users form required or not.
- Active the editor for the details textarea or not.
- The terms page will open in the same page or new tab.
- When active the terms choose the page you need it to show at the terms.
- Or add your custom link like you need.
User Slugs
- Here all the user links to write your slugs.
- Active the custom permissions at the site or not.
- Select what’s the permissions for the not logged users.
- Select what’s the permissions for all the user groups.
Author Setting
- Choose the post style at the user profile page.
- Choose the sidebar layout to show at the user profile page.
- Choose what’s sidebar will show at the user profile page.
- Choose one of the skins are come with the theme.
- Or choose your custom color like you need.
- Choose the background style :
- Default : Will be like all the site setting.
- None : if you have a background style at the site but choose here none will remove it at the user profile page.
- Patterns : Will can choose background color and pattern like next items at “Background Color and Choose Pattern”.
- Custom Background : If you don’t need the pattern images you can upload your custom image and choose the attributes for it.
- Background Color when choose from the background type “Patterns”.
- Choose the pattern images.
- Choose your custom attributes like upload image, change color, … When choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
- Choose the image at full screen when choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
Badges & Points setting
Here is badges and points template Badges.
- Add the details for the badges you need to show it at the badges template page.
- Add all your badges, And make sure when add it, it work with small to big like screenshot, for example we add the first badge 10 and the second badge is 50, so the users have 0 points to 10 will show the first badge and from 11 to 50 will show the next badge.
Points setting
- Add the details for the points you need to show it at the badges template page.
- All those are the points will users get them when make they actions.
Comments & Answers
- Active the editor for the comments and answers or not.
- Show or hide the author image in the comments and answers.
- Active the users can edit the comments and answers or not.
- What’s the hours until the users can edit the comments and answers.
- Type your slug for the edit comments and answers page.
- When users edit the comments or answers make the comments or answers need a review again or not.
- Active the delete comments or answers for the users or not.
- When the user delete comment or answer will delete it for ever or send to trash.
- Choose what’s tabs you need to show at the question for the answers and drag and drop them.
- Show or hide the vote in the answers.
- Show or hide the dislike in the answers.
- Active the attachment at the comments and answers form or not.
Comments & Answers
- Active the editor for the comments and answers or not.
- Show or hide the author image in the comments and answers.
- Active the users can edit the comments and answers or not.
- What’s the hours until the users can edit the comments and answers.
- Type your slug for the edit comments and answers page.
- When users edit the comments or answers make the comments or answers need a review again or not.
- Active the delete comments or answers for the users or not.
- When the user delete comment or answer will delete it for ever or send to trash.
- Choose what’s tabs you need to show at the question for the answers and drag and drop them.
- Show or hide the vote in the answers.
- Show or hide the dislike in the answers.
- Active the attachment at the comments and answers form or not.
Export & Import
- If you need to backup your Discy Setting take this code copy and put it in the save place, But before you take it, you need to refresh this page first.
- If you need to import the setting again, Put your saved code at this area and click on “Save Options” button.
Footer settings
General setting
- Choose the normal footer or add the footer after sidebar.
- Choose the header skin, Dark or Light.
- Choose ON if you need to active the menu for the footer after sidebar.
- Choose the menu you need for the footer after sidebar.
- Add your copyrights at the footer or any text do you need.
Main Footer setting
- Active the top footer or not.
- Active the icons in the widgets in the top footer or not.
- Choose the padding top for the top footer.
- Choose the padding bottom for the top footer.
- Choose the top footer layouts, 1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns or 5 columns
- If you need to make the same top footer again and again – unlimited number – click on “Add new footer level” and it will be like this :
Bottom footer setting
- Active the bottom footer or not.
- Choose the padding top for the bottom footer.
- Choose the padding bottom for the bottom footer.
Sort footer elements
- Drag and drop the top and bottom footer.
Search Setting
- Type your slug for the search page, and to see the link for it after the input you need to refresh the page after save the options.
- Choose what’s the search options available or the site.
- Choose what’s the default search will work at site.
- Choose the tags style at the search page.
- Here is the advanced style.
- The simple tags like this
- Active the user filter at the search page or not
Sidebar & Widgets
From Discy Setting >> Sidebar
- You can add unlimited sidebars to add them after that at any pages, posts, questions or categories.
- Choose the main layout for all the site.
- Choose the main sidebar for all the site.
- Choose what side will sticky, Left menu, Sidebar, Both or no one.
- Check if you need the widget icons in the title enable or not.
All the widgets available to can add any one or more at any sidebar.
To make the title empty like this widget at the footer at the demo
Add at the widget title “empty” Like this widget
23 Widgets
- Discy – About
- Discy – Adv 120×240
- Discy – Adv 120×600
- Discy – Adv 125×125
- Discy – Adv 234×60
- Discy – Adv 250×250
- Discy – Facebook
- Discy – Social counter
- Discy – Social media
- Discy – Subscribe
- Discy – Twitter
- Discy – Video
- WPQA – Activities log
- WPQA – Ask question button
- WPQA – Comments
- WPQA – Login
- WPQA – Notifications
- WPQA – Posts
- WPQA – Related Questions
- WPQA – Signup
- WPQA – Stats
- WPQA – Tabs
- WPQA – Users
Styling & Typography
- Choose one of the skins are come with the theme.
- Or choose your custom color like you need.
- Choose the background style :
- Default : Will be like all the site setting.
- None : if you have a background style at the site but choose here none will remove it at the site.
- Patterns : Will can choose background color and pattern like next items at “Background Color and Choose Pattern”.
- Custom Background : If you don’t need the pattern images you can upload your custom image and choose the attributes for it.
- Background Color when choose from the background type “Patterns”.
- Choose the pattern images.
- Choose your custom attributes like upload image, change color, … When choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
- Choose the image at full screen when choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
- Choose the main font for the site.
- Choose the second font for the site.
- Choose the general typography size, style and color for the site.
- Choose the general link color at the site.
- Choose the size and style for the H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6.
Advertising at admin
- Active the advertising at the 404 page or not.
- This is adv after header like this :
- This is adv in questions or posts like this :
- This is adv before footer “after content” like this :
- This is adv between questions or posts like this :
- This is adv between comments or answers like this :
Notes :
- At all advertising you can upload image, text or put your HTML code like google adsense.
- At “between questions or posts” and “between comments or answers” you have option to repeat the advertising after x questions, posts, answers or comments.
Emails settings
- Upload your custom logo to show at the emails like this :
- Add your email when the emails sent from the theme.
- All those email templates to can make your custom template for all the emails from the theme.
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Social Setting
Social Setting
Social Setting
Social media API
Add your app name and your email, And when make it will return you at the app page will find at the top after the app name the APP ID : 215575225981149
register your app them then copy the API KEY / CLIENT ID
Then save the options, Then refresh the page, Than click on the next link at the options page “Get the access token from here”, to get the token.