1. Choose the head for the post, None – So not set anythings -, Featured Image, Image with Lightbox, Google Map, Slideshow, Video, Soundcloud or Audio.
  2. If you choose Featured Image and you can choose the default size, 2 sizes with the theme or your custom size.
  3. If you choose Featured Image and choose the custom size, you can set the width.
  4. If you choose Featured Image and choose the custom size, you can set the height.
  5. If choose Google Map, Put the google map iframe.
  6. If you choose Audio, Put your URL for the MP3 and you need to upload it first from media at the WordPress/wp-admin/upload.php.
  7. If you choose Slideshow, there are 2 options, Custom Slideshow or Upload your images.
  8. You can upload the images and drag and drop them, Also you can put any link you need per image like this :
  9. Upload your images for the slideshow.
  10. If you choose Video, will open a new select to choose the kind of the video, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, HTML5 video or Custom embed.
  11. If you choose Custom embed add you iframe video in this textarea.
  12. If you choose Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or Facebook, add the video ID only not the full link, like this :
    1. If you choose Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuyB7NO0EYY like this JuyB7NO0EYY
    2. If you choose Vimeo https://vimeo.com/7830992 like this 7830992
    3. If you choose Dailymotion https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6idpb5?playlist=x5qmdp like this x6idpb5
    4. If you choose Facebook https://www.facebook.com/zaklongo/videos/10154370979090476/ like this 10154370979090476
  13. Upload image for the video HTML5.
  14. Upload the HTML5 video URLs and you need to upload it first from media at the WordPress/wp-admin/upload.php.
  15. Add your Soundcloud embed, It’s full link URL.
  16. Add height for the Soundcloud iframe.