- Choose the head for the post, None – So not set anythings -, Featured Image, Image with Lightbox, Google Map, Slideshow, Video, Soundcloud or Audio.
- If you choose Featured Image and you can choose the default size, 2 sizes with the theme or your custom size.
- If you choose Featured Image and choose the custom size, you can set the width.
- If you choose Featured Image and choose the custom size, you can set the height.
- If choose Google Map, Put the google map iframe.
- If you choose Audio, Put your URL for the MP3 and you need to upload it first from media at the WordPress/wp-admin/upload.php.
- If you choose Slideshow, there are 2 options, Custom Slideshow or Upload your images.
- You can upload the images and drag and drop them, Also you can put any link you need per image like this :
- Upload your images for the slideshow.
- If you choose Video, will open a new select to choose the kind of the video, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, HTML5 video or Custom embed.
- If you choose Custom embed add you iframe video in this textarea.
- If you choose Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or Facebook, add the video ID only not the full link, like this :
- If you choose Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuyB7NO0EYY like this JuyB7NO0EYY
- If you choose Vimeo https://vimeo.com/7830992 like this 7830992
- If you choose Dailymotion https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6idpb5?playlist=x5qmdp like this x6idpb5
- If you choose Facebook https://www.facebook.com/zaklongo/videos/10154370979090476/ like this 10154370979090476
- Upload image for the video HTML5.
- Upload the HTML5 video URLs and you need to upload it first from media at the WordPress/wp-admin/upload.php.
- Add your Soundcloud embed, It’s full link URL.
- Add height for the Soundcloud iframe.