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Home Page Setting

Author: admin 646 views

To make the Home page like demo :

  1. Create a new page.
  2. Choose from templates “Home”.
  3. Choose your options like first image.
  4. And to set it in the home page go to WordPress Setting >> Reading.
  5. Choose A static page >> Front page >> Choose your page.

  1. Tabs to control the tabs show at the home page template.
  2. If you need to add question categories with home page tabs.
  3. It’s a small menu to show the question categories beside tabs.
  4. Pagination style at the all home page tabs.
  5. Number of the items at the all home page tabs.
  6. Order the items at the page descending or ascending.
  7. If you need to make a custom setting for the questions at this page different the all site setting select it ON.
  8. Show or hide the author image in the question tabs.
  9. Show or hide the vote at all the question tabs.
  10. Show or hide the dislike at all the question tabs.
  11. Show the short details “excerpt” for the questions at all the question tabs.
  12. Number of the Words or Characters like you choose from the Discy setting.
  13. Question tags show or not at the questions loop at all the question tabs.
  14. Choose what’s meta show at the questions loop at all the question tabs.
  15. If you need to make a custom setting for the posts at this page different the all site setting select it ON.
  16. Choose the post style at the posts tab.
  17. Hide the featured image at the posts tab.
  18. Remove the read more button or not at the posts tab.
  19. Number of the Words or Characters like you choose from the Discy setting.
  20. Choose what’s meta show at the posts loop at the posts tab.
  21. Choose what’s the share show at posts loop, drag and drop them.
  22. Order the answers by recently, oldest or voted.
  23. If you need to make a custom setting for the answers at this page different the all site setting select it ON.
  24. Show or hide the author image in the answers tab.
  25. Show or hide the vote at the answers tab.
  26. Show or hide the dislike at the answers tab.