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Custom page settings

Author: admin 255 views

Custom questions settings

  1. If you need to make custom setting for this question only, Turn it on.
  2. Choose what side will sticky, Left menu, Sidebar, Both or no one.
  3. If you need to remove the breadcrumbs, Turn it OFF.
  4. Show or hide the author image in this question.
  5. Show or hide the vote in this question.
  6. Show or hide the dislike in this question.
  7. Active close and open question for the user or not.
  8. Question tags show or not in this question.
  9. Choose what’s meta show in this question.
  10. Active the users can add this question at favorite.
  11. Active the users can follow this question.
  12. Choose what’s the share show in this question, drag and drop them.
  13. Active the next and prev questions or not at the breadcrumbs in this question.
  14. Active the next and prev questions by the same category only or not.
  15. Active the answers at this question or not.

Custom pages settings

  1. If you sort or remove any section for this page only, Turn it on.
  2. Sort the main 3 section at this page by remove them or drag and drop them.
  3. If you need to make custom setting for this page only, Turn it on.
  4. Choose what side will sticky, Left menu, Sidebar, Both or no one.
  5. If you need to remove the breadcrumbs, Turn it OFF.
  6. Hide the featured image for this page.
  7. Hide the title at this page or not.
  8. If you active the title there are 2 styles for the title.
  9. And if you choose the style 2 for the title you can add icon for it like this page and you can choose the icons from here.
  10. Choose what’s the share show in this page, drag and drop them.

Custom posts settings

  1. If you sort or remove any section for this post only, Turn it on.
  2. Sort the main 5 section at this post by remove them or drag and drop them.
  3. If you need to make custom setting for this post only, Turn it on.
  4. Choose what side will sticky, Left menu, Sidebar, Both or no one.
  5. If you need to remove the breadcrumbs, Turn it OFF.
  6. Hide the featured image for this post.
  7. Post tags show or not in this post.
  8. Choose what’s meta show in this post.
  9. Choose what’s the share show in this post, drag and drop them.
  10. Active the next and prev post by the same category only or not.
  11. Choose the related style, style 1 is images with titles, style 2 is links only.
  12. Choose the number of the posts are show at this page.
  13. The related posts worked by same categories, same tags or same author.
  14. Number of Words or Characters like you choose from the Discy setting.
  15. Comment at the related active or not, It works only at the style 1.
  16. Date at the related active or not, It works only at the style 1.