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Category options

Author: admin 245 views

Question Categories

When add or edit category will see this options to set your category.

  1. When active this option, All the questions in this category will be a private and the admin and user make the question only can see it.
  2. When active this option, Any questions in this category not able to user add answers before the admin add his answer first.
  3. When active this option, Any questions in this category not able to user add answers before the admin add his answer first, And when the admin answer the admin and user make the question only can answer.
  4. If you need to add a custom logo or change the main setting for the site.
  5. Choose what’s the logo will display.
  6. If you choose the logo display a custom image upload here your logo.
  7. Upload from here the retina logo and it need to be x2 of the original size for the main logo.
  8. Choose the logo height for the normal logo not for the retina.
  9. Choose the logo width for the normal logo not for the retina.
  10. Active this setting at the questions have this category also or not.
  11. If you need to choose a custom setting for the questions have this category choose 1 column.
  12. Choose what’s meta show at questions loop at this category.
  13. Show or hide the author image in the questions loop.
  14. Show or hide the vote in the questions loop.
  15. Show or hide the dislike in the questions loop.
  16. Show the short details “excerpt” in the questions loop.
  17. Question tags show or not at the questions loop.
  18. Number of the Words or Characters.
  19. Pagination style at this category
  20. Choose the questions number to show at this category
  21. If you need the next setting work at the questions have this category also.
  22. Choose the sidebar layout to show at this category.
  23. Choose what’s sidebar will show at this category.
  24. Choose one of the skins are come with the theme.
  25. Or choose your custom color like you need.
  26. Choose the background style :
    1. Default : Will be like all the site setting.
    2. None : if you have a background style at the site but choose here none will remove it at this category.
    3. Patterns : Will can choose background color and pattern like next items at “Background Color and Choose Pattern”.
    4. Custom Background : If you don’t need the pattern images you can upload your custom image and choose the attributes for it.
  27. Background Color when choose from the background type “Patterns”.
  28. Choose the pattern images.
  29. Choose your custom attributes like upload image, change color, … When choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
  30. Choose the image at full screen when choose from the background type “Custom Background”.

Post Categories

When add or edit category will see this options to set your category.

  1. If you need to add a custom logo or change the main setting for the site.
  2. Choose what’s the logo will display.
  3. If you choose the logo display a custom image upload here your logo.
  4. Upload from here the retina logo and it need to be x2 of the original size for the main logo.
  5. Choose the logo height for the normal logo not for the retina.
  6. Choose the logo width for the normal logo not for the retina.
  7. Active this setting at the posts have this category also or not.
  8. If you need to choose a custom setting for the posts have this category choose 1 column or list style.
  9. Hide the featured image at the posts in this category.
  10. Choose what’s meta show at the posts in this category.
  11. Remove the read more button or not.
  12. Choose what’s the share show at posts loop, drag and drop them.
  13. Number of the Words or Characters.
  14. Pagination style at this category
  15. Choose the posts number to show at this category
  16. If you need the next setting work at the posts have this category also.
  17. Choose the sidebar layout to show at this category.
  18. Choose what’s sidebar will show at this category.
  19. Choose one of the skins are come with the theme.
  20. Or choose your custom color like you need.
  21. Choose the background style :
    1. Default : Will be like all the site setting.
    2. None : if you have a background style at the site but choose here none will remove it at this category.
    3. Patterns : Will can choose background color and pattern like next items at “Background Color and Choose Pattern”.
    4. Custom Background : If you don’t need the pattern images you can upload your custom image and choose the attributes for it.
  22. Background Color when choose from the background type “Patterns”.
  23. Choose the pattern images.
  24. Choose your custom attributes like upload image, change color, … When choose from the background type “Custom Background”.
  25. Choose the image at full screen when choose from the background type “Custom Background”.