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Author: admin 435 views

This section you can manage following options.

  1. Phone Number : Enter phone number.
  2. Email Address : Enter email address.
  3. Store Location : Enter store location.
  4. Welcome Message : Enter welcome message.
  5. Newsletter : Enter newsletter button text.
  6. Language Switcher Style : Select language switcher style. This option will work if you use Polylang plugin.
  7. Language Country : Select language country option. This option will work if you use Polylang plugin.
  8. Login/Register Popup : Enable/disable header login/register popup.
  9. My Account Style : Select myaccount style.
  10. Mini Cart Popup : Enable/disable header minicart popup.
  11. Cart Style : Select cart style.
  12. Cart Icon : Select cart icon.
  13. Shop By Categories Title : Enter shop by categories menu title.
  14. Open Categories(Vertical) Menu In Front Page : Categories(Vertical) menu open in front page.On other page open with hover.

Header Manager

This section you can manage following options.

  1. Topbar : Enable/Disable topbar.
  2. Header Transparent : Enable/Disable header transparent.
  3. Select Header : Select header style predefine or header builder.

Header Builder

This section you can build header with some pre-defined elements.

Header Topbar Manager
  1. Topbar Elements Left : Put element that you want to display in topbar left.
  2. Topbar Elements Right : Put element that you want to display in topbar right.
  3. Topbar Width Left : Select width of left topbar.
  4. Topbar Width Right : Select width of right topbar.
Header Main Manager
  1. Header Main Elements Left : Put element that you want to display in main header left.
  2. Header Main Elements Center : Put element that you want to display in main header center.
  3. Header Main Elements Right : Put element that you want to display in main header right.
  4. Header Main Width Left : Select width of main header left area.
  5. Header Main Width center : Select width of main header center area.
  6. Header Alignment Center : Select yes for header center conent display center.
  7. Header Main Width Right : Select width of main header right area.
Header Navigation Manager
  1. Header Navigation Elements Left : Put element that you want to display in header navigation left.
  2. Header Navigation Elements Center : Put element that you want to display in header navigation center.
  3. Header Navigation Elements Right : Put element that you want to display in header navigation right.
  4. Header Navigation Width Left : Select width of header navigation left area.
  5. Header Navigation Width center : Select width of header navigation center area.
  6. Header Alignment Center : Select yes for above conent display center.
  7. Header Navigation Width Right : Select width of header navigation right area.

Header Sticky Manager

This section you can manage following options.

  1. Sticky Header : Enable sticky header desktop or disable..
  2. Header Sticky Manager : This option is visible if you have select header style as header builder. Here you can build sticky header with pre-defined elements.

Header Mobile Manager

This section you can manage mobile header.

  1. Ajax Search : Enable or disable ajax search in mobile header.
  2. On Tablet : Enable sticky header on tablet width < 992px or disable..
  3. On Mobile : Enable sticky header mobile width < 480px or disable.
Header Builder For Mobile

These options are visible if you have select header style as header builder. Here you can build mobile header with pre-defined elements.

  1. Header Mobile Elements Left : Put element that you want to display in header left.
  2. Header Mobile Elements Center : Put element that you want to display in header center.
  3. Header Mobile Elements Right : Put element that you want to display in header right.
  4. Header Mobile Width Left : Select width of header left area.
  5. Header Mobile Width center : Select width of header center area.
  6. Header Alignment Center : Select yes for above conent display center.
  7. Header Mobile Width Right : Select width of header right area.
Header Builder For Mobile Sticky
  1. Header Mobile Sticky Elements Left : Put element that you want to display in header left.
  2. Header Mobile Sticky Elements Center : Put element that you want to display in header center.
  3. Header Mobile Sticky Elements Right : Put element that you want to display in header right.
  4. Header Mobile Sticky Width Left : Select width of header left area.
  5. Header Mobile Sticky Width center : Select width of header center area.
  6. Header Alignment Center : Select yes for above conent display center.
  7. Header Mobile Sticky Width Right : Select width of header right area.

Ajax Search

This section you can manage following options.

  1. Ajax Search Style : Select search box style. At this moment we have 4 box style.
  2. Ajax Search Shape : Select search box shape Square/Radius.
  3. Search Content Type : Select content type you want to use in the search box..
  4. Categories Dropdown : Show categories dropdow in search form.
  5. Search Categories Dropdown : Select display categories in search categories dropdow.
  6. Show Categories Hierarchical : Show categories in hierarchical (Must be need to select above option Show All Categories).
  7. Search Palceholder Text : Enter search palceholder text.
  8. Trending Search : Enable trending search.It will show when focus on search box.
  9. Trending Categories : Select your trending search categories.