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This section contain the following options:

  1. Theme Layout : Select your site layout wide or box.
  2. Container Width : Enter site container width.
  3. Logo : Upload your site logo.
  4. Logo Light Version : Upload an alternative light logo that will be used on dark and transparent header.
  5. Logo Width : Set your logo width.
  6. Sticky Header Logo : Upload sticky header logo.It will be display on your sticky header.
  7. Sticky Header Logo Width : set sticky logo width.
  8. Mobile Header Logo : Upload mobile header logo.
  9. Mobile Header Logo Width : set mobile logo width.
  10. Favicon : Upload favicon icon.
  11. Apple Touch Icon : Upload apple touch icon.The Apple Touch Icon is a file used for a web page icon on the Apple iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. When someone bookmarks your web page or adds your web page to their home screen this icon is used.Optimal dimension: 152px x 152px.

Site Preloader

This section contain the following options:

  1. Site Preloader : Enable/disable preloader on your website.
  2. Preloader Background : Set preloader background color.
  3. Preloader Image : Set preloader type as per your need.
  4. Choose Preloader Style : Choose preloader style.At this moment we have 5 styles.
  5. Upload Preloader Image : Upload preloader image.It will be show when you select preloader image as custom option.

Back To Top Button

This section contain the following options:

  1. Button : Enable/disable back to top button.
  2. Button In Mobile : Enable/disable back to top button in mobile device.

Lazy Load Images

This section contain the following options:

  1. Lazy Load Images : Enables lazy load to reduce page requests.