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WooCommerce Settings

Author: admin 556 views

Dokan Multi Vendor is based on WooCommerce. It comes with several built-in WooCommerce functions, such as, Payment, Shipping, and Tax. These are essential features that you need for smooth operation of your marketplace. So you need to configure these WC settings to use Dokan properly.


WooCommerce Settings

All the transactions from in the checkout page is being handled by WooCommerce. So you can use any WooCommerce compatible payment gateway with Dokan. By default WooCommerce has Bank Payment, Cheque Payment, Cash on Delivery, Credit Card and PayPal integrated. All of them works fine with Dokan.

But as these configurations have to be made from backend, only admin can modify these settings. Vendors can not configure any payment settings.

To know more about how WooCommerce payments gateways work, please read their official documentation here.

WooCommerce Payments

Cash on Delivery

Please note that the Cash on Delivery method is a bit tricky for marketplaces. Because the payment will be collected by the delivering party. If the admin is delivering the products to the end customer, then everything is fine. Then the admin can keep his commission and send the vendor the rest of the money.

But if the products are being delivered by the vendors, then the vendors will have to send the commission amount to the admin. Or you have to find out any convenient way. The choice totally depends on your business policy and planning. You should discuss with your vendors before deciding the method.

The solution that seems the best to us is using the subscription add-on. Dokan subscription enables you to charge the vendors for creating products. So you don’t have to worry about the payment. The vendor can have it all and you can charge them for creating products and keeping them online everyday/week/month/year.


WooCommerce Shipping

The shipping functionality is being handled by WooCommerce. So you are free to use any WooCommerce compatible payment gateways with Dokan. WooCommerce already has some built in shipping gateways, these can only be configured by the admin and will work for each vendor. The vendors will not be able to configure any shipping charges if you use any shipping gateway other than Dokan Shipping.

To know more about how WooCommerce shipping gateway works and how to configure them, please read their official documentation.

You need the Dokan Premium version to activate this feature.

Dokan Shipping

Dokan plugin has the most advanced feature to enable the sellers to add shipping costs from the frontend. Using this feature is optional. If you do not like this feature and want to use the old school WooCommerce shipping classes, then no action is required.

The state based shipping option of Dokan plugin can be found on wp-admin -> WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → Dokan Shipping.

dokan shipping

Click on the enable checkbox and hit save. If you want to apply taxes on then you can select taxable else you can select none.

Please refer to the new Dokan Zone-based Shipping Documentation to figure out the next steps.

The job of the admin is finished here. Now the next job is to the sellers.


Dokan has built in support for WooCommerce taxes. So the admin can configure taxes from backend and vendors can select those tax classes while creating or editing the products.


Go to wp-admin → WooCommerce → Settings.

Under the Settings page, check the box for Enable Taxes [Enable taxes and tax calculations] under General options.

This will open up a new tab in the Settings page, called Tax.

In this page, click on Standard Rates and Save Changes. 

Now you can enter the tax rates manually or even Import / Export from CSV files.

Dokan tax settings

You can add reduced tax rates.

Reduced Tax Rates

Or you can add zero tax rates.

Zero tax Rates

Vendor Usage

When you are done setting up taxes, you will have the Dokan tax class listed with the other ones you have.

Navigate to yoursite.com → Dashboard → Product and go to any product edit screen.

The vendor only has to select the tax classes from the drop-down and hit Save. The taxes will be applied to the checkout page automatically.

Doakn tax settings
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