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Create a Listing Page

Author: admin 408 views

Once you created all the properties you need on your website you have to show them in a proper page template. In this section, we will discuss all options available to create the Listing Page of your website.

How to create a Property Listing page

In your left sidebar navigate to Pages > Add New to create a new page and from the Page Attributes box located in the right sidebar select a listing template page at your choice.

Listing templates versions

Several versions of the property listing template are available inside the Template drop-down list. For each of them, the features are the same only the property listing design is different.

Here below you will find a list of all the property listing templates available with relevant sample links.

  • Listing Half Map
  • Listing Card View 
  • Listing  Grid View
  • Listing With Sticky Map 

Listing Sidebar

sidebar in WordPress is referred to as a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. Once you selected the listing template you can set up if you want to display the sidebar on your listing page, in which position (left or right) and which sidebar (we suggest by default to select the Listing Sidebar).

If you want to set up a sticky sidebar on the listing page, navigate to Airent Options > General and select the option you see in the image below.

Listing Filter Options

Once you selected the Property Listing Template, the Property Listing Advanced Options panel below will be displayed on the page. You will find a lot of options to customize your listing pages exactly as you need it. Let’s see how.

Listings Order

Locate the Order By drop-down option list in the Listing Advanced Options panel. Select the default property order for the listing page.


  1. Date new to old
  2. Date old to new
  3. Price (High to Low)
  4. Price (Low to High)
  5. Rating
  6. The show featured on top

Number of listings to show

Locate the Number of listings to show text area in the Listing Advanced Options panel and enter the number of properties to display on the listing page.


Listing Page Settings

Locate the panel in the image below. Use these options to filter properties in the listing page.

If you want to have all properties listed on your listing page don’t select anything, But if you need for example to list all the apartments for sale in Miami, you can use the boxes below just by clicking on the options you need. To select multiple options in the same box use key CMD on Mac and CTRL if you are on Windows.


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