How to create the front-end dashboard
Now it’s time to build some essential pages for your users. These specific pages are a key part of the booking system so it’s important to follow the next step.
Add the front-end dashboard pages
In your left sidebar navigate to Pages > Add New to create a new page. From the Page Attributes box located in the right sidebar select all the following page templates and create a page for each of them.
For each of the templates listed above follow these simple steps:
- Create a new page by clicking on Add New
- Enter a Page Title of your choice
- Select the page Template
- Click on Publish
- Repeat for all dashboard templates
Please check the following list of pages that need to be created:
- Dashboard: this page template will be the dashboard homepage where you will find a summary of the last activities.
- Dashboard Add Listing: this page template will create the page that you and your users will use to add new listings or edit the ones already created
- Dashboard Listings: this page template will create the page that will display all your listings
- Dashboard Listings Submitted: this page template will create the page where your users will be redirected after a listing is successfully submitted.
- Dashboard Favorites: this page template will create the page that will display all your favorite listings
- Dashboard invoices: this page template will create the page that will display all your invoices
- Dashboard Messages: this page template will create the system to send and receive messages
- Dashboard My Bookings: this page template will create the system to manage your bookings
- Dashboard My Reservations: this page template will create the system to manage your reservations
- Dashboard User Profile: this page template will create a page where users can add their profile information
As soon as you have finished creating all the necessary pages for the Front-end Dashboard panel, from the front-end of your website, open the user menu on the top right corner of your page and navigate to Dashboard. You will see this new section of the site as displayed in the image below.
When you created the various pages required for the Front-End Dashboard, the User Account Menu and the Front-End Dashboard Menu is created automatically